Heater Crystals Material in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

Heater Crystals


Material Characteristics

Heather Crystals are chunks of superheated chunks of glass infused with huge spouts of fire. The chunks can range from a few inches to a few feet.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Heater crystals exude a constant warmth proportional to its size, increasing in strength with more present in a confined area.

History & Usage


The early Desert tribes, those that chose to remain after the The B.U.V. War , discovered the pockets of extreme heat and glass that would later be discovered to have be sites of Heater Crystals.

Everyday use

Societies within the desert use the crystals to heat their homes and protect themselves against the freezing chills of the nights. Additionally the crystals can be used to cook food or act as a minor explosive.


Attempting to break down a larger chunk of Heater Crystal can be done, but the task requires an individual with immense skill and understanding of the Physical aspect. Precise cuts made with short spouts of energy and force can disperse portions of the chunks into more manageable pieces. Failure in the task can result in the chunk shattering and exploding.

Environmental Impact

The wastes where Heater Crystals are found naturally are usually beyond inhospitable, their impact is minimal at best.

Reusability & Recycling

Crystals that have lost their energy/fire will crack and shatter. Eventually the remains will turn to a powder, the process can be sped up with force on the cracked pieces.


Trade & Market

Desert societies treat the crystals similar to how traditional towns treat firewood. Their usage as survival elements are treated as more important than their profitable value, however excess hauls are often traded with the local Imperial Soldiers in the area. The trades are done in secret and only in private.
Clear with streaks of flowing fire within


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