Danger Town! Settlement in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

Danger Town!

If you're not careful you will be hunted!
The works of the greatest minds collaborated to form some of the most amazing accomplishments known to the peoples of the Empire. Spires breaching the clouds themselves, Cities seeming to float atop the water, even buildings of pure marble declaring devotion to the many Gods. Pieces of architecture and their worth in the world was noted early and capitalized on since. Danger Town is not that.
Danger Town! as the locals insist on a vehement exclamation of energy in its calling, is not a shining example of all the great works that collaboration and ingenuity can produce. It is however, a perfect example of wealth requiring luxury so extreme that it created its own. Danger Town(!) offers a myriad of delights from across the Kingdoms, and some from even further.
The idea for a city to be dedicated to the pleasures and relaxation of the nobility was quickly adopted by a small organization of enterprising Architects & Arcane Engineers, who approached a wealthy noble house with plans and surveyed lands to use for it. The noble house, smelling the money and also simply wanting the existence of this city, put the group to work as leaders of the project. The project was put on hold during the rebellion of the "Savage Desert Tribes", surprisingly Viltran was a large proponent of putting it back on track and also included a number of changes. The "City" was to have a ground level appearance of no larger than a small town, instead it was to be constructed beneath the town and expanded to be a massive, multi-leveled cylindrical city. The creation of the city was the largest single usage of funding from both the King and the Nobility, and upon completion boasted a total of Ten levels with offerings of even the darkest hobbies.
The idea of commoners interacting with the noble houses was considered and outright refused, instead a rumor was spread of people going missing from around the Town and its outskirts. The original rumor spread involved groups of the towns citizens forming parties and capturing travelers. This was not as effective as the reality of the situation as travelers WERE being captured and people WERE going missing, and it was all to fulfill the desires of the more twisted among the cities tourists.


The actual citizens of Danger Town(!) occupy a number of functions throughout the city that assist in its operation, as well as keeping appearances in the town on the surface. The peoples of the town are trusted members of the servants or subjects of their lands. The Nobility travel throughout the city as well protected tourists, engaging in whatever whims come upon them.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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