Human Species in World of Arith | World Anvil


Few races on Arith are as diversified as the human race. Humans have been at the forefront of their own empires, fodder and slaves of other races, and everything in between. Humans are found on every continent and major island chain.    

Human Ethnic Groups


On Caldonia

The Continent of Caldonia is home to several different ethnic groups of humans.  


The Valoros Republic has been in decline for centuries. Once it covered the lands from the Sunwall Mountains to the western coast of the Westlands. Valoran humans have olive skin and generally dark black or brown hair. Their eye coloring is typically hazel, although green eyes of various hues can be found among the population.    


The Jendarri are one of the northern, or Nordic tribes. Generally taller than the Valorans, Jendarri typically have blonde hair, although light brown and red hair can be found among the tribes. Their eyes tend to be brown, or hazel, with blue eyes becoming more frequent as one heads north.    

Khepneferan (or just Neferan)

Neferans have dusky brownish skin, although not as dark as their Southron neighbors. They have dark eyes, brown and gray are typical eye colors, with some gray eyes being nearly black. A small minority are born with green eyes, though unlike the Valorans, green eyes tend to be a brilliant emerald color.    


The humans who inhabit the far north of Caldonia have very fair skin, nearly whitish, with blonde and even silver-white hair. Blue eyes are common, with light browns and light gray eye color also found in the population.    


The humans of southern Caldonia tend to have brown skin with varies in shade. Natives of the N'Goto Jungle have dark-brown, nearly black skin, while humans of the Beastlands have a chocolate-brown skin tone. Eyes can be light or dark brown, and gray and black eye coloring is not unheard of.    

On Togos

The humans of Togos, or Toans tend to have slight builds. Slightly shorter that the humans of Caldonia, Toans have a pale golden skin tone and black hair. While Caldonians believe all Toans are similar, there are actually as many ethnicities of Toans as Caldonians.    

On Draconis

Yes, humans live on Draconis. However, the native humans of Draconis live in small, nomadic tribes. Their skin tends to be a ruddy color, although exposure to the sun turns their skin color into a deep reddish-gold.    


If the legends are to be believed there was once a fifth continent at the heart of what is now Oceana, known as Alphatia (pronounced either "alpha-tie" or "alph-a-sha"). These same legends say that Alphatia is the true birthplace of the human race. Destroyed by either the gods, the aboleth, or the ancient serpentfolk, Alphatia was sunk beneath the waves with only small islands left of the once great continent and civilization.   Alphatians were said to have golden skin, which turned a burnished gold or deep bronze under the sun. They had black hair and eyes of blue, green, and violet. The Valorans, the Westlanders, and many others all claim to be descendants of the Alphatians. Though rarely seen, the Alphatians still exist, struggling for survival on islands too small to rebuild their great civilization.

Basic Information


Human Male

  • Average Height: 5' 9"
  • Random Height: 4' 10" +2d10"
  • Average Weight: 175 lbs.
  • Random Weight: 120 lb. + (Height Mod × (2d4) lb.)

Human Female

  • Average Height: 5' 4"
  • Random Height: 4'5" +2d10
  • Average Weight: 140 lbs.
  • Random Weight: 85 lb. + (Height Mod × (2d4) lb.)

Growth Rate & Stages

Adulthood: 20 years   Middle Age: 35 years   Old: 53 years   Venerable: 70 years   Maximum Age: Most humans pass before their 100th year


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