Shoveltrouts Species in Widhar | World Anvil
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While the Dragonstart mountains are very inhospitable to most beings, there is life there. Among the more unique species living in the mountains is the Shoveltrouts. Shoveltrouts have four legs and is roughly the size of a well fed badger. They are covered in white fur, which blends splendidly with the snow of the mountains. Their name comes from the way their lower jaw extends out to create a shovel-like instrument that they drag through the snow to forage for sustenance. The animal sifts through the snow for any and all sources of nourishment.   The antire anatomy of the Shoveltrout is uniquely fit for filtering the snow, absorbing and filtering large amounts of cold water in the search for sustenance, while easily devouring worms, small mammals and any vegetation that may be in the snow. They often leave a wide trail behind them, having swung their heads from side to side while digging deep in the snow.   Shoveltrouts are not aggressive by nature, and are very likely to run and hide if they are startled by anything larger than themselves. They are not accustomed to predators in the mountains, the scarcity of food doing plenty to keep their population in check, but despite this, they are shy and would much rather hide in a hole than confront anything new. It is said that some of the rangers of the mountain have managed to train the Shoveltrouts, using them for carve paths in the snow, but this could be a rumor that stems from how much the trail they leave behind resembles a usable path for travel. In fact, this trail has led many unwary travellers off in the wrong direction, and is a big part of why the mountains of Dragonstart is considered impassable by most people.

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