The Name Taker Species in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil

The Name Taker

As almost every kind of spirits of the nothingness, Name Takers are really nasty.
Just like their name says, they steal someone's name and with it everything they are. They are a type of spirits who prefer to hunt other spirits, especially ones born of pride, as it is easiest to take their name, but they may catch human off-guard sometimes.

Basic Information


Most of their life, Name Takers do not take any form. They are just concepts of nothing flowing anywhere the wind carries them.   When they manifest, Name Takers look almost like normal humans, usually wearing hoodies and other things that would conceal their faces. They do it, because the longer you look at their face, the more you get the feeling that something is wrong with it as if they changed from one face to another every time you blink.

Genetics and Reproduction

As most of the spirits, Name Takers do not reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

The more names they take, the more they change their shape into something more similar to that, which name they stole. Because of that, they stop being spirits of nothingness very fast and change into another spirit.

Ecology and Habitats

They can show up anywhere in the world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They approach their prey and start to talk about many different topics. At some point, they will ask:
I am sorry, could you give me your name?.
If someone introduces themselves with their real name or alias they have been known as, they will immediately forget it. Seconds later, they will start to forget everything else about themselves. Then their face, hair, and body will start to disappear. The last thing they will see is the Name Taker looking more and more like them, smiling smugly. The only things that are left behind of their victim are their clothes, shoes, and jewelry.   If their prey doesn't want to share their name with them, they will stalk it until it does so, or gives them a false name. In that case, they will get angry, but they won't be able to do something to that person, so they will curse them and disappear, searching for another meal.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They can be smart enough to lead the conversation in such ways that they catch their prey off-guard with their ultimate question.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see and hear just like humans would, even in their incorporeal form. They can smell things that have names and the weight of those names.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

There is a pretty easy way to defeat a Name Taker.
When he asks someone to "give" them their name, if someone introduces themselves as "No one", he will still try to steal it. But as he will now start to become no one, his own nothingness will consume him.
Average Height
1 (as they can look like a child) - 2 meters
Average Weight
They weigh nothing


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