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Trouble in Black Rock

  • 2136

    The Bluebloods Destroyed
    Military action

    The viscious gang of young nobles calling themselves 'The Bluebloods' are finally brought to battle by a combined force of Parravon militia, Imperial Witchhunters and dwarven mountain scouts and annihilated. The few survivors scatter and are never heard of again taking their mortally wounded leader Adolphus Zwemmer with them.

  • 2439

    Heinrich Kemmler begins studying at the University of Nuln
    Life, Career

    The necromancer Heinrich Kemmler begins his studies at the University of Nuln.

  • 2442

    Kemmler Discovers the Books of Nagash
    Life, Career

    Whilst researching the dark arts in his fathers study Kemmler discovers a secret drawer in his father's desk in which are hidden some poorly translated copies of the Books of Nagash.

  • 2442


    Kemmler's Depraved Studies Are Discovered.
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Kemmler's secret laboratory is discovered and he is forced to flee Nuln.

  • 2470


    Kemmler Shelters At 'La Maisontaal'
    Life, Relocation

    As Kemmler made his way through the Helmgart Pass he discovers the Monastery of 'La Maisontaal' where he is initially given shelter.

  • 2470

    Vorgeheim (Fore-Mystery)

    Kemmler Attacked and Forced to Flee.
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    De Muscadet attacks Kemmler and forces him to flee into the Grey Mountains.

  • 2470

    Nachgeheim (After-Mystery)

    Nachexen (After-Witching)

    Kemmler Assumed To Be Dead
    Life, Relocation

    After months of searching Kemmler is assumed to be dead.

  • 2471

    Jahrdrung (Year-Turn)

    Vorgeheim (Fore-Mystery)

    Kemmler Returns From The Dead
    Life, Milestone

    De Muscadet has a vision confirming that Kemmler was still alive.

  • 2511

    Vorgeheim (Fore-Mystery)

    Brauzeit (Brew-Month)

    The Search For Zwemmers Grave

    Jean-Louis Dintrans begins the search for Zwemmers Grave.

  • 2511

    Intercalary(Mittherbst) 1800:00

    1 Brauzeit (Brew-Month) 1200:00

    Felix Schwarzdorn arrives in Messingen

    The Bounty Hunter Felix Schwarzdorn arrives in Messingen and decides to shelter there from the unseasonal blizzard.