The Old Ones Species in WFRP Fragile Alliances | World Anvil
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The Old Ones

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Rulebook Page 265
The Old Ones were an ancient, hyper-intelligent, and near-omnipotent starfaring species that may have been reptilian in nature. I say MAY have been reptilian because the nature of the Old Ones remains controversial. The Eldar, in particular, refuse to accept that the Old Ones were anything other than Eldar, claiming that they are their direct descendants and natural inheritors of their legacy.   Whoever they truly were the Old Ones served as the mysterious shaping hand of the universe including the Warhammer world. The Old Ones created the world's current geography and climate, and created new sentient races to inhabit it including the Slann, Lizardmen, Elves, Dwarfs, Men, Ogres and Halflings.   The motivation behind these acts is equally controversial and subject to debate.   However, Slann Mage-Priests claim to have interpreted the plaques found in many ancient temples to be a record of The Great Plan being pursued by them in the making and design of the world. The Plan was an original concept of how the world should be, according to the Old Ones.

Basic Information


The exact nature of the Old Ones remains a matter of controversy. Most races who are aware of their existence at all assume that they were an ancient race of their own species and no clear evidence is available to resolve the matter. Ancient wall art suggests that they may have been a retillian race similar to the Slann, but that is hotly denied by both the Eldar and the Elves who claim that the artwork is merely recording images of slave race created by the Old Ones to perform the more mundane tasks of maintaining their worlds.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Old Ones are said to be high evolved and technically brilliant to the point of being accepted a gods by the less advanced races they encountered or created.
Scientific Name
Ancient Star-faring race also known as The Old Slann


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