Old World Phrases and Expletives Language in WFRP Fragile Alliances | World Anvil
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Old World Phrases and Expletives

Racist Insults

'Where there’s muck there’s halflings' - Obviously alluding to the tendency for halflings to live in poverty and squalor and their immoral behaiour.

  'Your father was an Averlander and your mother was a cow' - Alluding to the number of cattle bred in Averland.



'Long Live Leitdorf'; Fashionable toast, loosely meaning 'may this profitable situation continue.'
  'As sure as Siggurd'; Expression of confidence 'I fired my pistol as sure a Siggurd'
  'He was born by Morr's light'; He's an ill-omended or suspicious person.
  'On my honour'; My word can be trusted.

"By Sigmar's fist"
"Simar's hammer"
"Sigmar's comet"
"Sigmar's Dwarven whores, you'll regret that insolence boy!
"Taal's teeth! Will this bastard rain never end?"
"Silence your blasted racket! Your getting on Rhya's teats and mine as well."
"It got so quiet you could've heard Shallya herself break wind!"
"You can swim if you like, I'll not be joining you - that's lake's as cold as an Ice Witch tit."
"He's got brains like Moot pie filling and a face as long as an Osterman's coffin."
"You've got fat Ranald's chance of that."
"Are your wits always as slow as a Reik barge paid per day?"
"I'm looking to get out of this Mórr forsaken place, that's for certain."
"Ulric's steaming piss"
"Ulric's fiery piles"
"Ulric's sagging dugs! Something's wrong I can smell it."
"Worth about as much as a Tilean's best promise and an Estalian's sworn oath combined."
"You look like you lost a bet with Manann himself [someone coming in wet from rain]."
"They're rare as Verenan jokes.. good ones anyway."
"They're common as an Averlander with a face like a sheep."
"Leakier than a Wastelander's life story."
"Morrslieb take the lot of you! (F*** off!)"
"How does an Averlander tell a difference between his woman and his cattle?" - The implication being that he can’t!
"Are you from Averland?" - Expressing how gauche the other person is.
"Is Morr tugging on your cord/string/rope?" - A concern for the other taking a big risk.
"Dyrath's Spindle" - Fate

Religious Expletives

Religious expletives seem to follow the [God's Name][Random Body Part] pattern often with personal embelishments to emphasise the magnitude of the users frustration.
  Known Examples
“Ranald’s cock!”
'Shallya's Tits' or 'Shallya's milky white tits' - really annoyed
'Sigmars Balls' or 'Sigmar's Hairy Balls' - really annoyed
'Ranald's Fingers'
'Morr's Eyes'
'Taal's Teeth'
'Sigmar's Beard'
'Blood n ashes'
'Sigmar's Sausage'
'Shallya's blood!'
'Flaming Comet'
'Holy Sigmar'
'Ulric’s hairy balls'
'Ulric’s bloody beard'
'Myrmidia’s breasts'
'Manann’s trident'
'Magnus give me strength'
'Shallya preserve us'
'Get to the garden'
'Morr take you'
'Mandred take you'
'Schwartzhelm’s beard' - Schwartzhelm the Emperors champion has a very fine beard.
'Breath like an orc’s privy'
'Sigmar’s heirs'
'Taal’s rigid horn'
'Shallya’s bleeding heart'
'Morr’s arse'
'Morr’s frigid nether realms'
'Manann’s salty pendulum'
'Rhya’s sacred mounds'
'Taal’s fecund pole'
'Flaming comet'
'Sniggering Ranald'
'Bogenauer's sodden taint!'
"By Karl's bleeding crown!"
"Morr's Eye that was a close one!"
"He's one for laying hands on Shallya."
"Great Sigmar's Ghost!"
"As strong as Bretonnian Beer." - Bretonnian beer is notoriously weak and watery.
"Verena's varicose veins!!!"
"By Ulric's hairy backside!"
"Morr take you!" - drop dead/go to hell/you must be joking
"Quicken quip and winking sly, Catch a glint of Ranald’s eye," - Prayer to Ranald for improved charisma
  "Tomcat sleek and magpie smile, Walk on Ranald’s path a while," - Prayer for Ranalds support when trying to be devious or stealthy.
  "Fingers heavy, fingers light, Ranald’s fingers fleet as night," - Prayer for improved dexterity.
  "Chance a double, chance a thrice, Chance a throw of Ranald’s dice," - Prayer for Luck or good fortune and Ranalds favour.
  "Ranald’s grace and Ranald’s arm, Mischief keep me safe from harm," - Prayer for Ranalds protection.
  "Wit and will and sight unseen, Ranald keep my senses keen," - Prayer for improved perception and initiative.

Religious Phrases

The use of religious phrases is also quite common and are usually observational in nature.
  Known Examples   'As cold as Mörrs cock!' Really cold, or dead e.g. "Is he dead?" "As Mörrs cold cock!"
  'Ranald is pissing on me....' - I'm having a run of really bad luck.
'For the love of Sigmar.' - Can be either a blessing or a curse of exasperation depending upon the tone and context.
'By the grace of Sigmar' - If fate decree's it. an expression of fatlaism.
'Blessed Sigmar' - an expression of faith or hope

Cant of the Empire

A Comprehensive Guide to the Slang, Jargon and Vulgar Argot of the Great Empire of Sigmar and its Glorious People    


Halfing expletives and phrases seem to follow the same patter as the Imperial ones.
  Known Examples
'Esmerelda’s furry toes' (Halfling) 'Cottonheaded-ninnymuffin' (Halfling)
'By Hyacinth's twins, your luck's in this evening, eh?'

Dwarven (Dawi)

Dwarven expletives and phrases seem to follow the same patter as the Imperial ones.
  Known Examples
'By Grugnis rock hard balls' - I swear to god
'Bearded elf' - untrustworthy, not who you claim to be
'By the orbs of Valya!' - An amazing or shocking event.
"By Grungni's beard
"Grungni's pick"
"Grungni's sons, we'll be drinking well tonight!"
"Snolting Fondler - Basically you are beneath contempt."
"Boga - Literally a candle that blows out unexpectely plunging a tunnel into darkness."
"Bok/Boki - banging ones head on the roof of a low tunnel, a characteristic scar on the forehead of most dwarven miners."
"Bolg - A dwarf with a large belly usually the sign of extreme wealth, age or contentment."
"Bran - A dwarf who is extremely alert and mentally sharp witted."
"Bryn - Literally gold that shines strikingly in the sunlight, also anything that is shiny, brilliant or colourful or a really good idea/plan."
"Deb - something that is new, untried, raw or somewhat dubikous."
"Doh - stupid, gullible, slow-witted."
"Donglitz - the parts of a dwarven body that are impossible for him to scratch."
"Dreng/Drengi - Slayer or Slayer Cult synonymous with a failure or non-dwarf. former dwarf or dead dwarf. Someone who is no longer part of a dwarven family"
"Elgi - literally an Elf but also used a derogatory term for a dwarf without a beard."
"Elgram - a weak, feeble or thin dwarf e.g. elf like."
"Elgraz - a construction which is shoddily built and looks about to collapse e.g. built by an elf."
"Garaz - fearless, rebellious, young or inexperienced."
"Gribal - a fragment of food caught in a dwarfs beard e.g. an insignificant dwarf or a wasted opportunity."
"Ginit - a small stone that works its way into your boot causing discomfort e.g. an annoying distraction."
"Gorm - Old, wise, powerful and bearded."
"Grik - a pain in the neck caused by continually stooping in low tunnels also anyone who has the same affect."
"Grim/Grimaz - a harsh unyielding person or place or someone that is cruel."
"Grizal - poor meat."
"Grobkaz - the work of goblins or any evil deed."
"Grumbak - a short measure of ale, a grumble or trivial complaint."
"Grumbaki - a constant grumbler or whiner."
"Hazkal - recently brewed ale, a fiery young dwarven warrior."
"ik - to put ones hand in something slimy or unpleasant in the darkness. e.g expletive of disgust."
"Kharukan Dawi - Hall-Dwellers. literally dwarves who never leave the hold."
"Konk - Gold that is ruddy in color, or a large bulbous nose."
"Krink - a bad back due to constant stooping, sometimes used as an insult for annoying dwarves."
"Kruk - a seemingly promising vein of ore that suddenly gives out, a disspointment or venture that comes to nothing."
"Krunk - a rockfall or a disaster."
"Krut/Kruti - a discomforting disease contracted from mountain goats, one suffering from such a disease, a goatherder, an insult."
"Norn - Barren earth, an area with limited resources, a dwarf with little skill and few propsects a worthless child."
"Okri - a craftsman or skilled individual."
"Rikkit - a small stone which falls on your head as you walk down a tunnel, an insignificant dwarf, something that can be ignored."
"Rorkaz - a shouting contest or argument."
"Runk - a one sided fight, to give or receive a good thrashing."
"Rutz - slackness of the bowels caused by drinking too much ale."
"Skaz/Skazi - a thief or thievery."
"Skrat/Skrati - to search for gold amongst a pile of rock debris, a poor prospector, insult for a dwarf with no prospects."
"Skruff - a dwarf with a scrawny beard, an outrageous dwarven insult."
"Skuf - a dwarven brawl or skirmish."
"Thag/Thagi - to slay by act of treachery, a murderous traitor."
"Ufdi - A vain Dwarf who spends inordinately large amounts of time looking after their own beard,"
"Umgak - something that is shoddy or poorly made, an insult aimed at another dwarven child."
"Umgi - Humans (note the resemblance to Umgak above)"
"Unbaraki - An oathbreaker, liar, or deceiver, the wose kind of accusation that can be made against a dwarf."
"Ungrim - A dwarf who has not yet fulfilled a promise or oath, someone not to be trusted."
"Varrkhulg - the leader of chief of an enemy tribe or faction, someone that is a threat to dwarfs, an insult."
"Wanaz - a disreputable dwarf with an unkempt beard, an insult."
"Wattock - an unsuccessful dwarf prospector, a down a heel dwarf, a failure, an insult."
"Wazzock - Dwarf insult suggesting the dwarf is a fool, who would be stupid enough to trade Gold for somthing of less value."
"Werit - a dwarf who has forgotten where he placed his tankard of ale, a dwarf in a state or befuddlement."
"Zak/Zaki - An isolated mountain hut, a crazed dwarf who wanders in the mountains."


As one might expect elven phrases tend to be flowery and poetic in nature.
Elven insults tend to be quite creative and personally tailored to the individual and are often sarcastic obsertations.

e.g. "Is that a new dress Eilwyn? Clearly you were in a great hurry when you chose it."   Known Examples
"Isha smile on you";"May Isha smile on you." - A typical farewell to someone upon whom one wishes well.
"May you live a thousand years." - A greeting or farewell wishing someone a long life."
"Isha rewards those who follow their dreams."  

Old English Insults

A few historic insults that might prove useful.

Beardsplitter (penis)
Bedswerver (one who swerves from and is unfaithful to their partner.)
Rantallion (scrotum longer than penis)
Bescumber (to spray poo upon)
Braggart (boastful)
Scobberlotcher (lazy)
Fopdoodle (dumbass)
Mumblecrust (toothless beggar)
Muckspout (swears too much)
Betwattled — to be surprised, confounded, out of one’s senses
Blind cupid — the backside
Bone box — the mouth
Brother of the quill — an author
Cackling farts – eggs
Captain queernabs — shabby ill-dressed fellow
Chimping merry — exhilarated with liquor
Comfortable importance — a wife
Dicked in the nob — silly, crazed
Dog booby — an awkward lout
Duke of limbs — a tall, awkward, ill-made fellow
Eternity box — a coffin
Head rails — teeth
Hickey — tipsy, hiccupping
Irish apricots — potatoes would probably be 'Halfling Apricots' in the Old World.
Jolly nob — the head. “I'll lump your jolly nob for you”: I'll give you a knock on the head.
Knowledge box — another term for the head.
Kittle pitchering — to disrupt the flow of a "troublesome teller of long stories" by constantly questioning and contradicting unimportant details, especially at the start (best done in tandem with others)
Knight of the trenches — a great eater
Just-ass — a punning name for a justice [judge]
Paw paw tricks — forbidden tricks; from the French pas pas
Penny wise and pound foolish — saving in small matters, and extravagant in great
Sugar stick — the virile member
Tallywags / Whirligigs — testicles
Whipt Syllabub — a flimsy, frothy discourse
Whipster — a sharp or subtle fellow

Shakespearean Insult Generator

Quite a nice site that might provide some inspiration for more elborate insults.
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