A Striders First Outing Tradition / Ritual in Wasteland Of Ohm | World Anvil

A Striders First Outing

A Test of the Youth

While not necessarily related to the rules and regulations of the Copper Mount Militia, many Mountain Strider families put their young to a test. Gaining their first points of merit inside for performing an action of bravery. Simply put, the Striders First Outing is the act of walking into the wilderness and surviving for three days in the harsh terrain of the Copper Mountains.


Related to the historical exodus of the Mountain Striders from the We of the Sand. The ability to survive in dangerous situations is highly valued by the Copper Mount Militia and those inside the Mountain Strider culture. So its pressed upon the youth to keep the fire of rebelliousness alive.


When a Mountain Strider is between the ages of 14 to 18 they may be pressured to undertake the Striders First Outing. Walking out into the wilderness to survive for 3 days. Once complete they return home, often in various states of hunger, and thirst. However, they almost never return injured. As the second part of this test of bravery is often for the parent or caretaker of the child. Who is to stalk, watch, and make sure no harm comes to their child.    This test of parental care is sometimes done by members of the Copper Mount Militia if the parental figure is unable to. The secondary task of watching the young Striders is kept as a public secret so that the young do not think they are completely safe during the test.


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