Mace of the Carnosaur Item in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Mace of the Carnosaur

The Mace of the Carnosaur is obsidian mace studded with carnosaur teeth and enchanted to hold a portion of the power of a Carnosaur's bite.   The mace is no more accurate than any other mace (it might even be a little unwieldy by comparison), but it hits with crushing force and potentially obliterating targets.   In game terms, it is Strength +1, d3 wounds but in narrative terms it can turn man sized opponents into unrecognizeable entrails.


While on some level, this is just a very powerful mace, tradition in Klodorex is to loan it to Saurus leaders, especially Saurus leaders leading armies or divisions without a Slann.   It was famously wielded by Kaitar the Saurus hero.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Technically unique, but there are five or six very similar enchanted maces throughout Lustria.


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