Viridium Material in Wandrei | World Anvil
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The Green Death

Viridium is a volcanic glass similar to obsidian, but when it is formed, toxic volcanic gases are trapped within the forming glass and produce a highly toxic substance. Used as a deadly and highly poisonous material for weapons, Viridium is outlawed by many nations for its incredibly toxic nature.


Material Characteristics

Has a sickly green color, is similar in composition to obsidian but is slightly stronger, and radiates toxicity.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Viridium is highly toxic, and can cause anyone who gets hit by a weapon made of it to contract leprosy, or be affected in a similar manner to the poison known as greenblood oil. However, the wielder of such a weapon is also in danger from the highly toxic weapon, and must store it in a lead-lined scabbard or some sort of extradimensional space.

Geology & Geography

Found in volcanic regions, and deep underground near magma flows.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Used as a poisonous weapon

Cultural Significance and Usage

Stygians utilize Viridium more than any other nation on Wandrei, since most outlaw the substance due to its deadly toxicity. Assassins and mercenaries may also use Viridium weapons.


Causes leprosy and the effects of the poison known as greenblood oil.



To keep from being irradiated by the harmful effects of viridium, it needs to be stored in a lead-lined container.
Varies by item, raw viridium is about 200 GP/ lb. However, except for in Stygia and on the black market, the distribution of viridium is illegal.
Very Rare
Smells a bit like brimstone
Don't. It's a bad idea.
Green, almost like a mint green
Stronger than obsidian, but still more fragile than steel.
Common State
Raw volcanic glass
Related Locations

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Cover image: The Necronomicon by Unknown


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