King Arcturus Von Arkham IV Character in Wandrei | World Anvil
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King Arcturus Von Arkham IV

The Young Griffon

King Arcturus Rufio Von Arkham, IV

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit and muscular, but not overly so. Keeps in top shape through daily combat exercise and a rigorous workout routine.

Body Features

Tall and sturdy, but not overly broad-shouldered. Fair skin, with a few battle scars across his arms and chest.

Facial Features

Handsome, with a square jaw and a clean-shaven but stubbly look. Wears his hair shoulder-length and straight, and is constantly smiling.

Identifying Characteristics

Piercing blue-grey eyes, regal attire, wears the Arkham Crown in public.

Physical quirks


Apparel & Accessories

The Arkham Crown

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Trained extensively by personal tutors in all areas, but particularly economics, warfare and combat, and diplomacy. Attended Miskatonic University to study further in these areas.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully bargained trade deals with the Dwarves of Dwarfhall for mining and land rights in the Derleth Mountains, as well as stopped most Cimmerian raids along the northern coast.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost his former military advisor and friend during an attempted coup by said advisor; personally executed him in single combat.

Personality Characteristics


To surpass his father and be remembered as one of the greatest kings Arkham Country has ever had.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great public speaker, terrible sailor


Hobbies & Pets

Has various mounts and pets, including hunting dogs, war horses, and his prized mount, Quickclaw, a griffon bred in the Eyries of Mount Voormithadreth where the Griffon Rider Corps raise their namesakes.

Wealth & Financial state

Has all the wealth of the Royal House of Arkham Country (Which is a lot) and uses it to benefit his subjects.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Arkham Country, Lord Proctor of the Parliament, High General of the Arkham Military
Year of Birth
1164 TA 25 Years old
Royal Palace, Arkham City, Arkham Country
Current Residence
Royal Palace, Arkham City, Arkham Country
Light Blue-grey
Shoulder-length, straight black
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If by some miracle the Cimmerians do not capture us and feed us to their wolves, I shall mark this mission a success by fool's luck, if nothing else. "
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Halfling

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Cover image: by caturchandra


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