Remembrancing : The Song for a lifetime. Myth in Waiting for the song to end | World Anvil

Remembrancing : The Song for a lifetime.

The ultimate love story - Romeo and Juliet, Venus and Adonis, kanye and Kim....  

♫ Your song is only ever over when all the lives you have touched stop playing it. ♫

Jennifer's Coda is one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful things I ever did hear. Anyone who knew her would instantly be taken back to her deep throaty laugh and easy smile, and everyone who didn't could help but wish they had known her.   Hell I think I can even smell her perfume during the refrain.   Learning it wasn't even so hard, even through the fingering should be a bitch in the opening. I close all my shows with it now, brings down the house every time.   World's going to remember her for a long time, I'll make it so if it's the last thing I do, and I'm sure as hell never going to forget her.
— Piper Jones
  A lot of tales and legends have sprung up around the Soul CODA. as it has become an inescapable part of the background of the world since the appearance of the The Needle many years ago.

When a soul is fully played in harmony with its natural tune and CODA is finally achieved most souls seem to move on to be mainly focused on the Universal Song and some interaction with the needle and other souls that makes little sense to most of the public.   This doesn't mean the people who loved or cared for this soul just stop though. (In fact some find it near impossible to think of anything else for the rest of their lives).   Hearing the final version of a CODA is deeply effecting to most living things, and will bring memories with almost perfect recall of the subject of the CODA. This isn't always a boon though, as human memory is in no way perfect and people have a habit of lying to themselves. A Remembrancing wake is just as likely to be filled with tears of joy as it is to be filled with tears of pain for an individual, as it sweeps away a lot of the white lies and makes people confront the person that was (Although there seems to be a bias towards loving interactions for whatever reasons).   For someone skilled enough in a musical discipline, hearing a CODA performance by a soul at its ascension in person will almost imprint the tune into their memory and they will be able to play it perfectly for a year and a day.   No one knows why it seems to be a year and a day (to the absolute second in timing) and as long as that person plays that tune every year at least once, the skill to play thay CODA is almost instictive. Leave if just second to long though and the song will pass from their knowledge, leaving only a faint memory of what was.   The mood of the player heavily effects what kind of memories are dragged to the surface of listeners mind. Although the original performance of the CODA brings forth a host of different emotions and memories, the earthly repeat performances tend to elicit responses based around the current temperament of the Remembrancer.

Street Remembrancer

  Another ritual that seems to have been become popular with the general public is the Street Remembrancer or Memory Organ. Although it doesn't have the memory provoking or emotional effects of the Remembrancing performance, it does repeat a facsimile of it, and people like to pay for automated performances of it (Normally stored on Phonograph wax cylinders). They have these played at areas important to either the soul whoes CODA is performed, or places important to themselves, somehow wondering if the soul might return ever so briefly, to join them again for a second in this life.

Saving a Feral Soul???

  One controversial stance taken is that Feral souls can somehow been "Retuned", rescued by someone skilled enough in the arts and who knew them enough in life.   This had become a popular topic in the indie film scene, although it is generally frouned upon in mainstream theatre or film as it will always be at the front of at least a good portion of the audiences minds, and can be taken as offensive to mention.


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