The Library Building / Landmark in Vyril | World Anvil

The Library

Though the Archive can be found all over Vyril, they have one defined, established Headquarters. The Library, in the Kalep Faction, is a massive building where the Archivist have long established themselves. It was one of the first places the Archivist really established and were never persecuted for their pursuit of knowledge. Once they had gained a foothold, the Archivist not only helped the Kalep Faction grow, but became integral in the city's innerworkings and bureaucracy.   Though the Archive itself is neutral in the Empire's dealings with its vassals and conquored peoples, it still holds a lot of power in the Empire proper. Especially since the Archivists and The Library have one of, if not the only, open, active, and large portal that allows for traffic between Vyril, Torresind, and Namkural. This is not an open, free use portal and its use is highly monitored and regulated. It connects to a few key places on the other planes and, since the Archivists aren't as accepted on the other end, they are mindful of who they send through and why.


It'd be hard pressed to say if any one Archivist, even the Prime Archivist himself, knows of all the treasures or items of note within the Library. It's a vast vault of books, scrolls, trinkets, artifacts, and even exotic peoples and creatures. The Archive works to collect and catalogue all the knowledge there is - a never ending endeavor - and The Library is Vyril's respository for it.


The Library is an enormous building of marble, stone, and metal that dominates the section of the city it has been built. Tall and commanding, it's one of the sights of the Kalep Faction and difficult to miss. While the Library itself is the most obvious and noteworthy building, there are a plethora of support structures that surround it so that an entire Ward of the city is dedicated to the Library and the people that live and work there.
The Great Library by Chris Ostrowski


Kalep Faction, Corrsym  


Prime Archivist Absalodian  
Owning Organization

Cover image: Structural Photo of Library by zamora


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