Abyss Armor Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Vreathe | World Anvil

Abyss Armor Ceremony

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The Abyss Armor Ceremony is a grueling, sixteen hour ritual where a would-be knights of the Scionic Order of the Abyss stands still in full steel plate armor. Standing around them are three mages that each cast a different type of magic, all working the same piece of material, a Moissanite Crystal. One Mage is using fire magic, another is manipulating Carbon. A Third is manipulating sand, or Silicon Dioxide. The would-be knight themselves hold the crystal and also has to project a constant mana field around themselves, preparing the steel plate to accept the crystal.
During this ritual, the would-be knight cannot speak a single word otherwise he may break the concentration of the mages working the crystal, who themselves are in a constant chant to kwwp their own concentration from breaking.

As the ritual progresses, the moissanite crystal starts to form over the plates of armor, covering it in a thing layer, turning the armor black as the abyss, with a hint of violet in the light. This armor is unbelievable strong...if the ritual is successful. Sometimes, the ritual fails and the crystal cracks the plate armor to pieces. This ends the would-be knights chances of ever being officially knighted and they are often forced to leave.

If the ritual is completed successfully, the would-be knight becomes a fully fledge knight of the Abyss, and are given all of the rights and honors that any knight would recieve. They also have a full set of Carbide or Void-Plate Armor that cannot be made any other way. The secrets of this ritual have been kept by the Order of the Abyss for thousands of years.


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