Odesyfian Species in Voynamir | World Anvil
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Odesyfians are the extra-terrestial invaders that attacked Vona in the past. They are all Leromirs, with 2 vectors, allowing them to manipulate 2 objects at a time.

Basic Information


Odesyfians resemble tall humans, with bat like wings sprouting from their backs, their wings aren't very gigantic, and are mostly used for gliding around in their low gravity environment.   They have 2 horns positioned at the back of their head, and curve outwards. They have short head hair, but not much hair anywhere else.   Their skeletal structure is light and elongated, giving them a slender appearance. Their jaws are slightly elongated compared to humans too.

Ecology and Habitats

Odesyfians prefer tropical, low gravity environments with oxygen based atmosphere.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Smarter than the average human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Odesyfians have the same senses humans do, just better.   They also have the ability to sense the world around them in a field, called Lera sense. This gives the ability to know the basic shape of an object without looking at or touching it.

Civilization and Culture


Odesyfians conquered their planet a long long time ago, mainly through racism, war, and genocide. Things were going great until an asteroid was spotted on a collision course with their planet, Odessa. Chaos ensued, attempts to stop the asteroid had failed. Most Odesyfians took refuge in public and private bunkers, buried deep under the ground, they stored as much knowledge, technology, and resources they could and hoped for the best. The very rich pooled their cash, and constructed a great ship to take them to another planet in the system, which they would colonise and form a new home.   The colonists left in their half-baked ship of exodus. The remaining population sat scared in their bunkers. The Asteroid crashed into the planet, causing unseen before destruction that left a scar on the planets surface, the oceans evaporated, the ground shook for months, ash clouded the sky for centuries. The nuclear reactors that were not shut down melted down and spread radiation across various regions of the planet. Most animal species went extinct.   out of the ashes of the apocalypse came a single robot. Confused, alone, and fully sentient. The first of its kind. Derusilo was an experiment left to run for a century, a program that gained sentience and automatically uploaded into a physical form. It was to be a moment of celebration, with many new friends for the A.I to make. Instead it only found a world in ruins. Derusilo wondered around, searched for it's creators, but eventually gave up and grew bitter at their absence. He discovered an ancient robot construction factory, and created more beings like him, only to realise they were not like himself. Stupid machines lacking emotions or intuition. This was the last straw.   Over time Derusilo and his robot army expanded, scavenging parts, searching for new power sources to sustain the new robotic empire that he had created. One day an automaton scout happened upon an flesh and blood Odesfyfian, and was promptly destroyed. The creators were returning. For a few more centuries the 2 groups fought over territory and what little advanced technology that was still intact. Guns, and life saving water. Eventually the guns and advanced technology had all turned to dust, or run out of ammunition. Both sides were forced to reinvent things, but at least they had a start.   Derusilos' robots became much simpler, relying on less advanced forms of power. Many still used high capacity batteries that could be recharged by the ancient nuclear reactor that Derusilo fed off.   As technology advanced, humans went through the different ages as they had many millenia ago. From learning how to windmills, to learning how to build tanks, and finally electricity. At some point one of the nations neighbouring Derusilo's Robotic Empire, went to war with him, and managed to win. Using the technological marvel of robotics, the nation quickly conquered the globe using a slave army of robots, using software derived from Derusilos' own sentient programming.   Planet conquered a second time, there were now serious problems to fix. Water had to be heavily rationed, much of the remaining water was irradiated, and only a small bit could be purified. To solve this problem, the Odesyfians looked to the other planets in the system, they saw a planet, so full of water it shone in the night sky. The only down side is that it was occupied. The neighbours would have to be removed before a true water gathering effort could begin.
Genetic Descendants
90 years
Average Height
6' 5''

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