Bio-machines Species in Voynamir | World Anvil
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This refers to a range of very different biological creatures genetically engineered for a range of specific purposes, or for more general tasks. Arleriks Sünopou Prefecture is currently working on this field exclusively.   An example of one of the most successful ones is:   Debris eaters - These are insect like creatures that will fly about a building eating dust, crumbs, mould, even other insects. Most people found them to be creepy or gross, so they have been tweaked with a fear of humans, and a nocturnal sleep pattern. They are great at keeping a house clean, there is even a version being developed for use in orbital installations, since keeping a zero G environment clean is exceedingly difficult. Debris-eaters aren't able to live outside houses and aren't capable of reproduction by themselves, so there is no concern for them becoming a pest.   In general there are three different overarching kinds of Biological machines:   Bio-suits Suits made of living tissues. They improve the strength and agility of their wearer, or can act as regenerative armour. Biological limb replacements also fall under this category   Bio suits are probably the only form of life that can be worn, and are completely dependant on their user for survival. Their sole purpose is to magnify the users strength, agility, and reflexes and also to act as armour. Due to being pretty much harmless sacks of muscle with no intelligence, they only have a couple Audible Control Signals (ACS) used for putting them on or taking them off.    Appearance: human shaped muscley suits, when worn they can be made to conform to the shape of the users body, one size fits all. The bio suits have a sort of "face" on the back of the neck, forming a hump where the mouth, brain, and other organs are located. Further down the back is the lungs, which take up either side and are almost twice the volume of a humans. This part of the body is encased in a sort of rib cage, making it look like you're wearing a fleshy backpack. Their skin is hairless, wrinkled, and coloured black or white. Some are covered in a scale like keratin/enamel armour, which looks much less gross than without. Bio-suits can be made to grow hair or armour by using an ACS and feeding it the proper diet.    Sounds disgusting? That's the general consensus of pretty much everyone who has tested these suits out.    There are different kinds of course, that make up a variety of different attire. That's right, you can have a fleshy helmet or a super grip strength glove, high jump boots, or a regenerating bullet proof jacket.    Factory beings These creatures are designed to build things in a factory, there are many different types. From guns to vehicles, they can make a variety of things much better than a human with tools could.   Appearance: They often have multiple limbs that have tools on the end usually made from Enamel or Keratin.   Intelligence: Factory beings are one of the least intelligent Bio-machines, with only enough brainpower to do the one task they are required to do. They can -
  • Recognise the object or materials they work with
  • Control and manipulate that object through space using their limbs.
  • Understand audio control signals (ACS)
They cannot:   Walk; They are sedentary creatures held in one spot and fed by tubes    Communicate; They lack vocal cords and are incapable of understanding speech or any other form of language.   Feel; They do not have emotions other than feeling "happy" when they complete the tasks they were born to perform. They don't feel sadness, loneliness, or even pain.        Predators Creatures tailor made to kill the enemy. There are very few of these, and they are held on a tight leash. Their affinity for slaughter is incredible.   Appearance: They have a wide variety of forms, all of them designed to be as hellish and efficient at killing as possible;   Tiny, flying, Piranha that swarm the enemy, eating them alive in 10 - 30 minutes. (There is only a single container full of these, as keeping them all accounted for is difficult)    Bipedal, four-armed, razor clawed monsters that run as fast as the fastest athletes. They are agile and capable of climbing, burrowing, or swimming to get to their target.    A chameleon like predator that can quickly change it's skin colour to that of a surface it leans up against. This one operates in stealth to kill a target, doing it's best not to get seen, with retractable claws and a flexible body similar to an octopus.  It can even change to look like a pretty convincing human until you get up close. If detected this thing can choose to either quickly kill its finder or escape in a flash, hiding until it is safe to come out. This predator has vocal cords that can be used to mimic voices with startling accuracy, luring prey to it or giving commands from the shadows. There is only ever one of these predators alive at any time, and they are euthanised soon after they have killed their target due to fears the creature is intelligent enough to become self aware and escape.    Centaur like tanks, covered in thick keratin and enamel armour that can carry guns too large for their puny human counterparts to wield. They are still quite fast and could easily catch a runner. They are twice as tall as a human though, so can't get into buildings.    Intelligence: Predators need to have very good problem solving skills and large brains to keep control of their many senses, limbs and killing instincts. They are the most intelligent bio-machines, almost rivalling humans. Due to this fact they are kept track of and under control by their creators at all times, if any were to go missing it would be hunted down and killed by it's own kind as soon as possible.    They can;   
  • Walk, run, jump, pounce, climb, swim or fly.
  • Attack a target described to them - Usually the target is just painted with IR lasers, which the creatures can see, and are told to "Attack the bright one". Otherwise they are shown a picture of the enemy and told to kill on sight. 
  • Understand and obey ACS - There are specific tones they instinctually obey, Ex; One makes them completely docile, they basically freeze on the spot and don't move or react to anything.
Predators have an emergency failsafe device embedded in their heads, which is basically a radio activated ACS emitter along with a small amount of explosive just in case the ACS doesn't work. There is a decent chance that the enemy could use the ACS signals to their own advantage if they decoded them, but the bombs activation code is highly encrypted.    Transportation and cargo hauling Much like horses, Organic tech can be formed to carry people or cargo, in small or large amounts. These ones never left the prototype phase, and were only ever used in the military to traverse rough terrain in areas where carrying cargo by air was impossible. The few prototypes that did get put into use were incredibly stable, many legged, behemoths that could move over almost any terrain, be it rocky, muddy, sandy, or forested.    Utility creatures These are used for more miscellaneous tasks that don't fall within the other categories listed above, such as Debris eaters.   There is a country wide ban on creating a "general use" creature, as it would most likely need human like intelligence and limbs. Although as always in Arlerik there are advocates for this technology. The debate of creating a "Perfect lifeform" has been a tough one, even the question of what a "Perfect lifeform" would look like is a difficult question that may never be answered.   ___________________________________________________________________________   Of course all living things need to eat, drink, and excrete waste. They also need organs and an immune system to maintain their bodies. Their brains are often basic, complex enough to do just the simple tasks they are created to perform. Bio-suits have next to no neuronal tissue, whilst Predators have brains equivalent to a humans' or a large dogs'. Predators are made to be relatively independent, and can find food and water without help- help- help- he-, but bio-suits require a human to feed and maintain them.

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