Zaflite Material in Vitera | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Zaflite when found in nature is dull, and often looks like other rocks. When they've been polished and treated to use in magic, they look shiny and are an oval shape. Sometimes they are in a wand shape.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Zaflite is cold to the touch even when it's boiling, or melting.

Geology & Geography

Zaflite is sold mainly in Uchar , but it's mined in Oplua. Zaflite is mainly found in caves, and ravens. But it can be found out in forests, and in the ocean.

History & Usage


Zaflite's usefulness was discovered by the Great Mage Alexander. Alexander was exploring in Oplua then discovered it in a cave. He could feel the magical properties and began to experiment with them. After experiments, he discovered Zaflite multiples the power of magic and is helpful when kids are learning magic.

Everyday use

Zaflite is used by teachers to help little kids learn how magic feels. Zaflite is also used by Magican's Military to make their magic stronger.

Manufacturing & Products

The most common product made with Zaflite is charge bows or charged swords. These are special items that can only be bought with a permit, but some criminals manage to get them.


Zaflite can be dangerous if used in weapons. Zaflite can make weapons more dangerous then they already are, and cause major damage when in Weapons.


It doesn't have a distinct smell
It tastes like Oreos, and has a addicting taste.
Coral with pale blue streaks around it. It also can be silver with black streaks but it's more rare.
Boiling / Condensation Point
4,563 degrees F
Melting / Freezing Point
1,287 degrees F
Common State


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