Delectum Species in Vitcoona | World Anvil
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Delectum is one of a kind. He is a Celestial placed in the waters around the Isle of Sol. His sole responsibility is to ensure none who are unworthy are granted passage to the Isle. Oddly enough, he finds himself unable to sink the majority of ships passing through as they often contain at least one worthy soul. Delectum will defend himself if attacked, but his default response to a ship attempting to reach the Isle is to watch and wait. Many times, the Sea Trees on the Isle itself will alert Delectum that the ship is full of intruders. Delectum and the Sea Trees share a link that allows telepathic communication. Delectum is not merciless. He does use his telepathic abilities to warn off intruders. Unfortunately, sailors have a habit of ignoring voices coming out of the waves.

Basic Information


Delectum possesses a head on both ends of his body. He is also equipped with legs that run the full length of his body at set intervals. These legs take the form of oversized spikes much akin to a centipede. All of these legs are prehensile. As for his body, it is divided into segments that allow him to fully encompass the Isle of Sol.


Delectum is initially passive towards those traveling to the Isle. His mission is to observe these voyagers and eliminate them as necessary. Thanks to his ability to see Mana currents, Delectum is able to assess the character of individuals seeking to reach the Isle. Usually, he will elect to show a head to them and goad a reaction of some kind out of them. Those who do not attack the head will make landfall safely more often than not, but those who do attack the head won't be around to talk about the aftermath of their provocation.

Additional Information


Delectum is the "pet" of The Three.

Facial characteristics

Both of Delectum's heads are three pairs of giant eyes. The largest set being the composite eyes of insects, while the secondary and tertiary eyes are slit like reptilian eyes. None of these eyes are functional, they are placed by Delectum to maximize the chances of provoking fear or draw out aggression from unworthy vessels.

Average Intelligence

Delectum is insanely intelligent. As a Celestial, he has the ability to receive direct instruction from the Three if needed, but he also is given the ability to read an individual's character based on their mana currents. Furthermore, Delectum is able to apply pressure to a crew's fears in such a way that will evoke a reaction. Delectum's job is to intercept those who mean the Isle harm. Generally, these unworthy crews will also exhibit a trigger-happy mentality towards an oversized sea monster. Delectum knows this, and takes advantage of this shortcoming to minimize intruders.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Delectum does not see in the traditional sense. A creature of his size needs a way to visualize the world without the need for actual eye balls. In Delectum's case, his perception of the world comes through his ability to see Mana currents. Using these currents, Delectum can in some ways see better than creatures with eyeballs.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Some say the waters around the Isle are red from the blood of those slain by the beast that guards the Isle.   Some say he never existed or is long dead. How can one of its kind live for so long? Surely there are more beasts around the Isle.   Others say the beast kills indiscriminately. Any who trespass in his domain are doomed.   Yet others say the beast calls to its prey. It lulls them into a sense of security before pulling them below.   There is a pall of fear hanging over the mountain tunnel that leads into the Crimson Sea. Only the bravest or most foolish of captains would dare enter the Crimson Sea.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Delectum's main carapace is a bright turquoise. The legs and belly are a bright green that matches the turquoise except for being green.
Geographic Distribution


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Jan 4, 2023 17:34 by Caleb

I just imagine some shaman convinced they are going to meet the 'Cosmic Owl' when they reach enlightenment only to be confronted with this being haha