Pantheon Geographic Location in Vitallia | World Anvil
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Pantheon is the largest Prime World in the Cosmos, and it is the birthplace of Vitallia and other dimensions. The Pantheon is in essence, a collection of worlds connected via Astral Gates. It consists of individual kingdoms, each with different environments but merged via magic forming one huge material plane. Crossing from one kingdom to another requires passing through an Astral Gate which is heavily guarded as it constitutes the natural border of each mini-world. Each of these worlds is ruled by an Overlord. An Overlord is often forced to leave their kingdom and stray from the planet of Pantheon. These individuals often seek refuge in less powerful worlds and become Gods which are also called Luvar. The central kingdom of Pantheon is ruled by an Emperor who controls all other Overlords but allows enough power and autonomy to them and their kingdoms. Sometimes, several reasons may contribute to the disconnection of some of these worlds from Pantheon, and are then set loose from the planet in the form of a Meteor to seek existence elsewhere.
Dimensional plane
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