Crèche Indoctornation Tradition / Ritual in Virtateron; Land of Many Virtues | World Anvil
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Crèche Indoctornation

Except for hunted strange and preverse deviants, no one within Pasajè culture knows their parants nor ancestry. This is because eggs are not cared for by those that laid nor fertilized them but rather by Pasajè Crèches, where matricated youth lucubrate the stories of the Pasajè until the personal tales, communal history, importance of fame or infamy, and all the other values and skills important to be an adult Pasajè are irrevocably embossed upon their hearts and minds.


The various races of the Pasajè are all egg laying and feel the biological drive to reproduce only during particular time of the year specific to all members of a specific race. This reproductive predictability allow Crèches to be prepared with protected indoor spawning pools for the Sote, multiple rooms with incubation racks that can be adjusted in humidity and warmth to be suitable for the needs of the Vit, Fo, and Vole, and chambers with ceramic urn of clean dry sand for the eggs of the Koki. Depending on which races' breeding season it is the Crèches receive a biologically driven pilgrimage where they next generation is either conceived within the Crèche's pools and then left to hatch and be cared for by the Crèche, or was concieved elsewhere but the female lays with the midwifes at the Crèche and leaves the eggs to be professionally raised and trained.


The adult caretakers and instructors at the crèche play a vital role, but every parent whom wishes their offspring to also play a part by laying their clutch at or being the eggs to the crèche. The eggs have the stories of the Pasajè lovingly whispered over them by their care takers. The hatchling and little ones all learn the stories at the bent knee of their instructors.


All Pasajè which reproduce deposit or actually lay their eggs at a Crèche, under penalty of being a severe pariah whose unfit to mention (a fate worse than death for a Pasajè), and in law-abiding Pasajè kingdoms forfeit the legal right to life of the offspring which wasn't raised properly. Better to euthanize the youth whom do not know the story of the Pasajè properly taught by a Crèche than to allow them to live and through progressive generations let the story die. This tradition is observed continually over the whole of the infancy, childhood, and early to mid-adolescence of the entirety of the Pasajè culture, with the only exceptions being those actively ignored freaks who are edited out of the narrative of the Padajè.
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