Bal-Khoyv Character in Virtateron; Land of Many Virtues | World Anvil
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Bal-Khoyv means Creditor and is the God of undeath and debt.

Divine Domains

Order, Grave

Holy Books & Codes

Opmakh, the tome of golden plates dictating the terms of the contract between the God of Undeath/Goddess of Death and the Frum. It specifies the fees and obligations the each Frummen person owes for existing, and the fines for violating different categories of edicts from divinely ordain ecclesiastic ranks. It also includes the clauses that govern ecclesiastical membership of his church and also the ecclesiastic ranks for Raykh.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver Merchant Scales Tipped with Coins Raised and Wieght of Price Down

Tenets of Faith

Debt is a sacred obligation; Without accountability existence is without meaning or worth; Coin earned within the Frum economy represent real meaningful contribution Frum civilization; Wasteful spending dishonors the cumulative effort done to earn that coin as it changed hands over the years; Life is a comfort you enjoy while you payback what you owe for what you've received from generations before you and also pay it forward for future generations, but undeath is the toil of life without any of the comforts.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep the Frum culture productive. Enforce tenets of faith among the Frum through his church. Love and keep his wife, Raykh, happy.


Family Ties

He is married with Raykh, Goddess of Death and Reward. They have no children together. However, he is the metaphysical father of every member of the Togkind race, as the Blessed Seed spell involved in each of their conceptions makes them in a small part, his child as much as they are the child of their two mortal parents.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Debt and Undeath; He Who Shall Collect His Due; The Greatest Assessor

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