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Lacuna Amplification Module L.A.M.

The following is unfinished & WIP

**This article was written to satisfy Prompt 3 of Summercamp 2021.**

**Final writing, polish and accompanying images will come later.**

  Confidentiality was broken by someone involved in the supposed early testing of what could be the most society-altering invention since the design of the first Laruian Portal. While the technologist who broke this story is facing persecution, her claims cannot be revoked from the public eye. I cannot name the 'whistleblower' here at this time for legal reasons, but if what she says is true, and this L.A.M. exists and functions as she claims, it could be devastating to the changing power structure of our world.   I'm not sure whether to call it a medical device or a military device but the L.A.M. stands for Lacuna Amplification Module. What this module is intended to do is to untether a four gen from their therumbra. There is nothing detailed in the report about what this piece of supposed technology looks like, but only that it is small enough to be hand held. The whistleblower claimed this device was in early alpha trials but showed serious promise, and the ramifications alarmed her which is what pressured her to come forward and speak out against her employer. Given the seriousness of this device's power should it work, it's easy to imagine multiple powerful organizations run by tethered and individual tethered themselves going out of their way to stop it's production.   It's important to reiterate that there is currently no known way to disattach a tethered four gen from their therumbra other than through death of the human, and nobody knows what would happen if they were. It's unknown whether one or both parties would die, if the therumbra would be feral then, if the living human would retain their powers, or if it's even possible for someone to become retethered to their therumbra. What could be speculated however is how much this would impact the currently unrivaled and seemingly omnipotent power of tethered people over the rest of us people... this means regular people could feasibly have a way to combat them. Or think on this, before you celebrate that thought, consider then a world where tethered can more easily destroy other tethered, and power doesn't shift back to the regular folks but instead concentrates deeper into the few -- the tethered who can destroy all the others.   It's possible the L.A.M. will never be more than a myth. But it's also possible prototypes of the L.A.M. are already out there, undergoing live tests, by people who will never come forward about it.

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Cover image: Viri World Cover by Victoria Stone & Josh Hild


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