The New Mithambian Constitution Document in Vinesia | World Anvil

The New Mithambian Constitution

The New Mithambian Constitution (also referred to as the Rupert Accord) is the royal decree that significantly altered the structure of the Kingdom of Mithambe's government, as well as permanently altering the power dynamic that the Royal Court of Mithambe and the Church of the Great Design formerly possessed.   Penned by King Rupert Mitfield himself (with hidden assistance from the goddess Amarise, who viewed his efforts against the Church as wondrously hilarious and thus worthy of her attention), the document formally signed away the absolute authority that the Royal Court of Mithambe once held over the everyday operations of the country, and establishing the necessary civil authorities to properly govern the people, with the Royal Court holding nominal and symbolic power. The Constitution also placed limitations to the powers that the major and minor organizations within the restructured Mithambe would possess, aiming to prevent a repeat of the monopolization of power that established fertile grounds for another civil war.   The Constitution outlined the rights, responsibilities, and protections that all citizens of the Kingdom of Mithambe were entitled to. To some peoples' surprise and thinly veiled outrage, citizens also included the non-human races that resided within Mithambe, with the most outspoken of these critics declaring Rupert a "traitor to the cause of a pure humanity". Nevertheless, active discontent with the Articles of the Constitution was not publicly aired, as many were exhausted from the fighting, and seeing the non-humans fighting alongside them in a common plight altered their worldview to be more accommodating of them.   The Constitution also established the formation and formal dissolution of several organizations that have either exhausted their purpose throughout the civil war, or whose need became apparent throughout the hostilities. Other organizations were folded into one another, the hybridization of such would cover the needs of Mithambe moving forward.   Historians commonly agree that the Constitution was formed by Rupert as a way to snub the Church of the Great Design, and to punish them for their flagrant abuses of power in ways that even unrestricted warfare could not. Likewise, it is commonly held that it was necessary for House Mitfield to cripple itself through being bound under the same Constitution, lest the Church accuse the Royal Family of holding themselves above the common citizen, stoking further unrest.


The New Mithambian Constitution was penned to re-organize the political and organizational structures of the Kingdom of Mithambe. It re-established the authorities of government, re-defined the limits of power and of jurisdiction for the various bodies politic, and compartmentalized the needs of the recovering and growing Mithambian people into departments which could specialize and cater to those who require it.   The New Constitution also put to rest any official thought of treating non-human sapients as second-class citizens within their rightful lands, and established them as rightful and honored citizens of the country, recognizing their roles and uplifting their image.

Document Structure


The New Constitution is divided into the following clauses:

The Dissolution of the Power of the Throne

This section outlines the formal surrender of the Royal Court's authority over the domain that is all the realm of Mithambe. The Royal Court is not only restricted to House Mitfield - this also includes the other Royal Houses that share the Court's banner, and the subsidiary organizations that support the Royal Court.
  • The Dissolution of House Mitfield's Absolute Governance
  • The Disestablishment of the Royal Court as the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary
  • The Reestablishment of the Royal Court as a nominal Authority

The Dissolution of the Power of the Peerage

This section primarily outlines the formal surrender of the Peerage of Mithambe's assumed authority in the public realms, and in the governmental entities that serve the Mithambian people.

The Dissolution of the Power of the Church

This section outlines the formal surrender of the Church of the Great Design's authority over governmental manners, and establishes new limits on its permitted collusion with governmental entities.

The Authorization and Creation of the Common Branches

This outlines the formation of the branches of government that will be led by the commoners, and how they are to be outfitted, including restrictions on term, service, and other qualifiers and disqualifiers.
  • The Formation of the Executive Branch
  • The Formation of the Legislative Branch
  • The Formation of the Judiciary

The Disbandment of the Obsolete

This section primarily outlines the formal dissolution of governmental entities that are no longer relevant to the proper governance of the realm of Mithambe. Most of these positions were dictated purely by blood, which was already addressed in the dissolution of the peerage's authority.

The Formation of New Entities

This section outlines the authorization of the Crown for new governmental organizations to be raised for the future of maintaining Mithambe's prosperity and security.
  • The formation of the Arcana Society for the continued preservation, study, and propagation of the ethereal arts
  • The formation of the Medical Society for the proper oversight and development of the nation's medical needs
  • The formation of the Academic Hall for the proper oversight and development of the nation's learning resources
  • The formation of the Constabulary for the enforcement of the common law throughout all the realm

The Restructuring of the Military

This outlines the restructuring of the military into its major and minor elements, formally setting in stone the segregations that were already becoming apparent throughout the civil war. It also brought in new reins and definitions of responsibilities for the orders of knights that served within Mithambe and swore loyalty to the throne.
  • The establishment of the Mithambian Army
  • The establishment of the Mithambian Navy
  • The establishment of the Mithambian Air Force
  • The re-organization and regulation of the Knightly Orders

The Rights and Responsibilities of All

This section outlines the rights and responsibilities afforded to all persons who live, work, and travel within the realms of Mithambe, regardless of their status or condition. Notably, there is no segregation of species or races - in the first paragraph, "person" refers to all sapient beings, regardless of their descent.
  • The rights and responsibilities of the Citizens of Mithambe
  • The rights and responsibilities of sojourners and travelers within Mithambe's borders


Those who do not recognize the basic rights and responsibilities of others within the lands of Mithambe, particularly in the case of human-nonhuman interactions, will be considered a criminal and dealt with by the Constabulary. Foreign diplomats who flout such terms will be considered persona non grata and ejected from the realms of Mithambe, their protections revoked.   The holders of the offices established within the Constitution are sworn in by oath to uphold the integrity of their office and to perform to the best of their ability. Those who bring dishonor to their office or who are judged to be incompetent will be removed from their office.   The members and officers of the Royal Court are no more exempt from the laws as a common citizen would be. They are also bound by the law of the land, and are expected to uphold the law and lead by example. Those who refuse to will have their royal statuses, and the rights and responsibilities thereof, revoked.

Publication Status

The Constitution is publicly accessible, with the original preserved and placed on display in the Royal Mithambe Museum.

Legal status

The Constitution is legally binding to all those who swear allegiance to the Crown of Mithambe, and their appointed agents.

Historical Details


The nation of Mithambe was rolling out of a brutal civil war, with the loyalist forces of the Mithambian Crown against the zealots and religious fanatics of the Church of the Great Design. It was clear to King Rupert Mitfield that although it was easy enough to place the blame squarely at the feet of the Church, greater factors were at play which enabled the resulting hostilities to be as vicious and as bloody as the previous four years have played out. Thus, in his eyes, the systems of old needed to be replaced.


The ratification of the New Mithambian Constitution altered the authority that the Royal Court possessed over all of Mithambe and its operations, while creating the necessary structures and organizations to provide transition for the "common" class to assume the mantle of the country's leadership.    While the old aristocratic houses exist, their dominion is limited to their now ancestral lands, spurning the noble houses of old to properly integrate themselves with a blended society.   The New Constitution also paved the way for the recognition of non-human sapient beings within the borders of Mithambe, and how they should be seen as equal to humanity in terms of rights and responsibilities towards each other. The affirmation of them as fellow persons by King Mitfield has helped reduce the animosity felt towards them by the common citizenry, and has encouraged long-term discussions and opening of new opportunities for both humans and non-humans.

Public Reaction

The public's reaction to the release and the ratification of the New Constitution varied wildly throughout the kingdom.   For those who fought alongside the loyalist elements of the kingdom, and for those who suffered discrimination at the hands of others for their descent, the Constitution was a positive affirmation, an acknowledge of their efforts, and a step forward in the right direction.   For those who fought alongside the Church and for those who firmly believed that only humanity was right to hold dominion over the other races, the New Constitution was viewed as a letter of defeat, like salt being rubbed into whipping wounds. They secretly cursed King Rupert and insinuated that he was a traitor to "the common cause of humanity", though none were brave or foolish enough to publicly air such grievances.


The Constitution was upheld as a positive foundation in the history of the Kingdom of Mithambe, given that it established the boundaries of church and state, and divided the state in a way that would prevent one party from gaining too much power. The concessions outlined in the Constitution that resulted in the formation of new organizations breathed new life into the Kingdom's academic, artistic, and economic domains, empowering Mithambians to dive into peacetime trades and careers with aplomb.   The Constitution also gave hope for the native Moumeans, who would reference the intent of the document when choosing to secede later on in 1854 from both the Kingdom of Mithambe and the Kingdom of Pehamber.
Decree, Royal
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
1807 - 04 - 21
Ratification Date
1807 - 05 - 07


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Aug 5, 2021 15:15 by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Great detail here. Your world has a textbook.