The Amarian Vulgate Language in Vinesia | World Anvil

The Amarian Vulgate

The Amarian Vulgate is the language of magic in the lands that are under the jurisdiction of Amarise, the Wandering Goddess of Invention and of the Architects. The Amarian Vulgate is the system of runes and patterns that enable one to access power and re-shape the world using their mana and with Amarise' blessing.


The Amarian Vulgate is arguably a descendent of the Ancient Array, which is the language of the divine. Amarise devised the Amarian Vulgate and its script so that her followers and agents will have a reliable source of ethereal expression at her behest.   As Amarise passed through the lands of Vinesia, her runes were taught to, and adapted by the Inarans and the Atxi. The Darien, ever thirsty in their quest for the world's hidden secrets and treasures, did not find the Amarian Vulgate enough to slake their thirst (having long desired the Ancient Arrays to understand the Gods and the Primordial), but begrudgingly learned it as well.

The Runes

Foundational Runes

The six Foundational Runes are similar to the Six Concepts of Creation that is commonly held throughout Vinesia. The foundational runes in the Amarian Vulgate are as follows:
Image Rune Translation Meaning
Aix Air, Wind Aix is the air or the movement of the air around a practitioner. Aix is at its strongest when the air is particularly disturbed around it, or when the winds shift and move.
Dyio Disorder, Chaos Dyio is the disruption of a pattern, of a set combination. Dyio naturally prevails in the midst of chaos, including the disruption or destruction of other works, in the presence of violent death and destruction, or elsewise.
Evi Earth, Ground Evi is the presence of earth, of solidity, of foundation. Evi will emanate strongest in the areas where the earth is healthy and strong, or where the rock is unyielding.
Frix Fire, Flame Frix is the consumption via flame, the heat eating away at all. Frix is at its strongest when the surrounding is alight with an unquenchable flame.
Io Order Io is the establishment of a pattern, of a combination that is stable and self supporting. Io prevails in a working that is balanced and stabilized, as well as in the presence of healing and restoration.
Wev Water, Flow Wev is the water or the movement of water or similar fluids around a practitioner. Wev is at its strongest when plenty of water is moving around it, and is even stronger in specific natural causes including thunderstorms and tidal waves.
Table 1: Foundational Runes of the Amarian Vulgate


Modifier runes are designed to work with primary or secondary arrays, meaning to modify an inherent property of a working. Modifiers can be intermingled within the same array.

Shape Modifiers

Shape modifiers alter the shape of area-effect workings.
Image Rune Translation Meaning
Conox Open Head Cone The resultant working will be expressed as a hollow cone, with the widest point at the perimeter of the largest array. The height of the cone is determined by a height modifier.
Cersi Enclosing Circle The resultant working will be expressed as a solid dome or sphere around the perimeter of the largest array.
Corsi Hollow Circle The resultant working will be expressed as a dome or sphere around the perimeter of the largest array.
Lias Cutting Line Focuses the resultant working along a vector, with the source array forming the originating point, and the orientation of the rune indicating the vector direction. Potency is increased in proportion to the tightening of the beam.
Recti Enclosing Box The resultant working will be expressed as a box, with its dimensions detailed by numeric runes placed within dimensional modifier arrays.
Table 2: Shape Modification Runes of the Amarian Vulgate

Concentration Modifiers

Concentration modifiers alter the density of the active ether within a working's field of effect.
Image Rune Translation Meaning
Disav Diffused Sky The working's effects will be spread out throughout a singular area unit. Excess energy will be bled out through the array's stabilizing elements in forms of light and vapor, or explosively should the stabilizers be overwhelmed or if the instability of the pattern exceeds an acceptable threshold.
Forsit Focused Eye The working's effects will be concentrated within a singular area unit. The necessary energy may be supplied via reagents placed around the array, or drawn directly from the mana of the invoker and surrounding persons.
Table 3: Concentration Modification Runes of the Amarian Vulgate

Amplitude Modifiers

Amplitude modifiers alter the potency of the effect of the working within its area of effect.
Image Rune Translation Meaning
Apil Upward Pull The amplitude of the working is increased. Necessary energy will be drawn from reagents supplied around the array, or drawn directly from the mana of the invoker and surrounding persons.
Atio Downward Pull The amplitude of the working is decreased. Excess energy will be vented from the array's stabilizing elements in the forms of light and vapor.
Table 4: Amplitude Modification Runes of the Amarian Vulgate


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