Seraxi Deepsteel Material in Vinesia | World Anvil

Seraxi Deepsteel

Seraxi Deepsteel is a rare metallic alloy that is found in the frames of Seraxi constructs. An imbued metal that is created as part of a Seraxi's propagation process, it is regarded for its durability, ease of workability, and anti-ethereal properties.   Most Seraxi constructs will have portions of their frame constructed from the fabled metal - usually centering around their core engines. Larger constructs will also have prows and claws that are constructed with Deepsteel as their edges, providing unparalleled cutting power. Underground Seraxi structures will also have Deepsteel piles that anchor them to the sea floor.   Several communities along the Louthian East Coast, as well as the Porfodian West, have made their livelihoods on the acquisition and sale of "raw" pieces of Seraxi Deepsteel. Even during Encroachment events, scavengers and harvest specialists risk their lives to capitalize on being the first to access the fallen Seraxi constructs, being able to extract the precious metals and contraptions within - Seraxi Deepsteel being one of the most valuable items that can be salvaged from a fallen construct.   A gorgeous metal that is unparalleled in its usage for destruction, Seraxi Deepsteel is often found in a few weapon masterpieces, and only found in the possession of those with such a person for a patron - namely decorated veteran soldiers, and the nobility of a state. Weapons incorporating the rare metal into their construction hold places in history, and are often as decorated as the heroes and villains who wielded them.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Seraxi Deepsteel is cold to the touch, and feels slippery in the hand. It is an excellent electrical conductor, and is a poor thermal conductor.

Origin & Source

Seraxi Deepsteel is found in the innermost parts of a Seraxi construct, usually forming a protective cage around a Seraxi engine core. Larger Seraxi constructs will also have Deepsteel prows, rams, and claws.

Life & Expiration

Seraxi Deepsteel is stable, and retains its anti-ethereal properties for an indeterminate period of time.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Seraxi Deepsteel's excellent anti-ethereal and material properties make it a coveted metal for military applications. Various military weapons and implements are created from Seraxi Deepsteel when it is made available, including armor plating for ships and tanks, tank plows, staves for spell suppression squads, and armor plating for infantry.   On occasion, a state's Seraxi Deepsteel stocks may be utilized to create custom and unique weaponry for its royals, nobles, and their retainers and escorts.


Seraxi Deepsteel is rarely usable as found, and will need to be worked in a specialist forge that utilizes extreme ethereal heat to reshape the metal without damaging the imbuements within.

Manufacturing & Products

Most Seraxi Deepsteel products are utilized for military applications, including the manufacture of armor plating for ships and airships alike.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The primary byproduct of any operation involving the working of Deepsteel is dust and filings - said dust and filings are often captured and re-melted in order to recycle the material and increase efficiency.


Deepsteel grinding leaves dust that retains the same anti-ethereal properties as a larger sample of the same material. This poses a unique and potentially deadly hazard to those whose ethereal characteristics are integral to their life, or who utilize the ethereal to support bodily functions - the inhalation of this dust can cripple or kill such persons.

Environmental Impact

Directly, there is no environmental impact on the harvesting of Seraxi Deepsteel from the non-functioning frames of Seraxi constructs.   Indirectly, the harvesting of Seraxi Deepsteel, as well as other Seraxi-based products, leads to pollution due to the damage said harvesting ships tend to take when encroaching in Seraxi-controlled waters.

Reusability & Recycling

Seraxi Deepsteel is recyclable, although specialized tools are required to re-work it into usable products.


Trade & Market

Seraxi Deepsteel is not found on the public market, instead being a nationalized resource because of its military applications, as well as the difficulty in acquisition and refinement.   Black market sales of forged Deepsteel items are uncommon, and command attention and high prices when they happen to find themselves being solid.

Law & Regulation

As a valuable material for its military applications, the trade and distribution of Seraxi Deepsteel material and goods is tightly regulated.
Tasteless - inflicts numbness when tested
Onyx black
Boiling / Condensation Point
2800-3000 C
Melting / Freezing Point
1300-1500 C
Common State
Related Locations


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