Trinity Silver Material in Vilosher | World Anvil
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Trinity Silver

Too soft to be used in weapons or tools though there has been some use of it in alloys for cannons. In its refined state the glow is bright enough to illuminated a small area and is used for lighting in the deep caves of Dranmuir.   There have been unconfirmed reports that long term exposure to the purified metal may have adverse health effect or the goblins are at fault.


Material Characteristics

In its most common states it is a dull silver however when refined it emits an unearthly glow.   When small quantities are added to glass it allows the glass to glow in the dark and give the glass a yellow-green colour.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Injuries taken from weapons made from this material cause One Level of Exhaustion.

Geology & Geography

Deposits have been found within Dranmuir and Latia, glass containing trinity silver has been imported from Iotrona.

History & Usage


May cause Star Sickness
Common-Silvery grey

Refined-Iridescent green

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