Graciela Abasto Character in Vilosher | World Anvil
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Graciela Abasto

Lady Commander Graciela Abasto (a.k.a. Brace)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up on the streets of Sorazos, her family sold into slavery to pay a blood debt. Banded with other young women for protection from the bigger and tougher thugs who sought to use them. Eventually picked up by the Security Forces of the Viper Kings, who own Sorazos.   As recompense for the havoc she wreaked on his men, Carvallo sentenced her to pay her blood debt to him as a whore. She was loaned to a brothel in Ibava, known as the Morn Cock. She spent a half dozen years there servicing all comers in order to pay her debt off. After those long years she discovered that her owner had been pocketing the money and refusing to pay any more than the interest on her debt, leaving her in the same state she had started in, with no prospects but to spend the rest of her life as an indentured worker.   Eventually, fed up and getting creative, she banded together with the women of the brothel. The Morn Cock was burnt down, with its owner staked to the door and flayed. That fire started the first burning of Ibava. She set out to the port, and without knowing how to sail nor even how to survive, pushed off from the dock with the not yet infamous HMIS Surfcharger. The women of her crew did manage to keep themselves alive on the waters about Sureng, and she set off to a brief life of piracy.   In the 3rd era year 889 she returned at the helm of the Surfcharger, now renamed the Siren of Hate and laid an ultimatum upon the Lord Commander of Ibava, surrender the city to her care, or be laid siege to. It was surrendered after a 3 day siege, when the populace of predominantly pirates revolted and carried the Lord Commander out of the High House by his ankles.

Gender Identity



Lesbian   *This was her previous sexuality and was not originating from her trauma, instead being a part of what worsened it*


No formal education


Lady Commander of Ibava

Accomplishments & Achievements

When Carvallo came to see where his revenue stream had gone, she faced him down and negotiated her freedom, as well as the freedom of Ibava While technically a dominion of Ibral, it is more accurately a free state

Mental Trauma

Broken at the thought of the touch of a man PTSD from rough customers

Intellectual Characteristics

Crass, intelligent and worldly, but not knowledgeable about much beyond her little fiefdom

Morality & Philosophy

You're on my land, you obey my rules, don't like it, get off.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to do what's best for her city and her people You get in the way of that, you will be punished


Well kept Light Perfume


Contacts & Relations

Sergio Carvallo Owns a fleet captained by the women she fought with

Religious Views

"You practice what you want, but if the gods were just, I wouldn't have lived what I did"

Social Aptitude

Well Liked by most Sweet and pleasant, but also tempermental Very Charismatic, Confident


Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Commander Captain of The Siren's Hate
8923 8952 29 years old
Current Residence
High House, Ibava
Piercing Blue
Slicked and greased back shoulder length hair tied back with a black bandana
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and almost leathered
56 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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