The Wyverstone Family Organization in Victoriam | World Anvil
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The Wyverstone Family

The Wyverstone family is and has always been the figurehead of Victoriam, leading the city into the future. From the very first governor, Duke Astorius Wyverstone, to the latest governor, Radcliffe Wyverstone, this political family has been responsible for upholding the law and mediating between the different houses.


The line of succession follows the Wyverstone bloodline, regardless of gender, but any Wyverstone daughters set to inherit the title usually end up dead or missing. The current governor trains their eldest and second eldest child in the laws and governance of Victoriam City, which has steadily declined after the city lost contact with the surface world.

Public Agenda

The Wyverstone family exists to govern Victoriam along with the other noble houses appointed by the last Empress of Britannia. They vow to uphold the law and to selflessly serve the City of Victoriam. They act as the leader for othe families of the City Council.


The family has a great amount of wealth, mainly held in the Bank of Victoriam, and also has control over the Victoriam treasury. In addition to monetary wealth, the Wyverstones possess a grand estate in the south side of City Center. The Victoriam Militia, Atlas Asylum and Penitentiary, and the Victoria Tower are technically owned by the governor, but these are operated or overseen by others.


The Wyverstone family had been im good standing with the Empress and the rest of the Empire for a long time before the construction of Victoriam City. In 1858, Duke Astorius Wyverstone was appointed to the first iteration of the city council.He had a son with the beautiful daughter of a British noble, and that son went on the inherit the position of Governor upon Astorius' death. The Quarantine of 1867 had son established the tradition of marrying Wessend high-borns, and bore two children, the eldest a daughter named Evangeline, and a son. Evangeline was set to inherit the title, but turned up dead in an alleyway. This established another tradition of the Wyverstone family- heiresses going missing.

Multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi.

Founding Date
Political, Family
Alternative Names
Wyvs (wivz)
Parent Organization


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