No Man's Land Geographic Location in Vexity | World Anvil

No Man's Land

In the center of The Old City, where even criminals refuse to do their unsavory dealings, is a plot of land, one city block square, that has seemingly been blighted or damaged in some way. This scarred plot of land has existed in this state since long before any corporation built their skyscraper in the area. No one knows exactly what caused this land to be infertile. N0V4-Bot's only records of the location are incomplete.   Rumors surrounding the blight have been circulating all throughout modern times. People who practice magic and delve into the occult believe the area to be some form of an ancient burial ground. Multiple corporations have attempted to build on the land, but due to rumors of deaths and high contractor prices for that particular block of land, nothing was successfully built. Most logical thinkers scoff at the idea due to the trope-like nature of the rumors. The criminal and homeless of the area have reported hearing distinct sounds of clashing metal and a feeling of overall dread being near the scar. The idea that corporate greed and failed waste management has, at times, been a popular theory, but the AMS reports do not reflect or support this idea.  
"Our soil tests were inconclusive. While we did not find anything harmful, AMS would strongly advise against any future efforts to grow crops or other flora here." -Agronomy Microsystems


Blight Block is a flat square block of land in the heart of "The Old City" where no corporation or contractor has ever successfully built. The few animals that have begun to retake the old city have never been seen near Scarborough. Sewage, water, and electric lines have never crossed over or beneath the scar because of people's fear of the superstitions surrounding the area. Grass and other plantlife refuse to grow in or around the block.

Localized Phenomena

No matter the efforts, nothing will grow in the soil in or around the scar. Scientists from Agronomy Microsystems A.M.S have tested the ground multiple times, and every time has come back with inconclusive results.
Alternative Name(s)
Blight Block


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