Snow Trappers Species in Vestria | World Anvil
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Snow Trappers

A mythological race of gremlin-like creatures supposedly found in the northern forests of Kyama.   Known locally as Yuki Tora.

Basic Information


Snow Trappers are typically described as diminutive humanoid creatures with bluish, emaciated skin, long limbs, and hollow black eyes.

Ecology and Habitats

As the name suggests, Trappers are said to inhabit the snow covered forests of Kyama.   They are said to hide beneath the snow in wait for prey, be it animals or an unfortunate traveler.   To date, there has been no record of a Trapper's nest being discovered.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Trappers are carnivores with most stories about them discussing them eating unwitting travelers unfortunate enough to have found themselves set upon by the creatures.


In most of their myths, Snow Trappers are depicted as patient, cruel, and merciless when they hunt their prey.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Similar to their bodies, Trappers are said to thin, bluish skin covering their face, giving them an almost skull-like appearance with fangs and hollow eyes.   Differing descriptions have arisen saying that they possess long, goblin-esqu noses and beady black eyes.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Some accounts have described Trappers using weapons and tools to aid in their hunts.   The two most common examples mentioned are crude spears supposed crafted from tree branches and large wooden panels used to hide beneath under the snow so as to better surprise their prey.
Conservation Status
Given their mythological status, conservationists struggle to determine whether Snow Trappers exist or not.   While there have been reported sightings by individuals native to the region for years, little to no supportive evidence has ever been provided.   Occasionally, hunters will claim to have killed a Trapper, but few are able to produce a body as proof and those who have are typically treated with skepticism or outright debunked as forgeries.
Average Physique
Snow Trappers are often described as appearing emaciated, their bones nearly visible through their skin.

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