Tinnet Organization in Vestara | World Anvil
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The westernmost nation of the Eastern Triangle, Tinnet is known for its mountains and the cities in and on them.   Tinnet is famously where the Wasad and Hujarin Mountains meet making the land rife with tall, nearly impassable mountains. Historically, Tinnet stood in the way of Thuon Khor's expansion into the Eastern Lands as the armies of Thuon Khor struggled to traverse the mountains. Eventually, arcane methods were used to both destroy some of the mountains and create teleportation around them. As such, the native people of Tinnet hold a deep hatred of the Thuon Khor people for the perversion and destruction of their land.   Tinnetians are largely a peaceful people, and there is no official army. Although, it itself is a very religious area and most every Tinnetian is able and willing to take up arms to defend their land and the Grand Cleric, Araston. The capital city Jaho, sits atop the largest mountain, Mount Bedal.   However, this is relatively recent as the original capital, Waldar sat atop the then-tallest mountain but was destroyed by the arcanists of Thuon Khor 372 years ago. This act created what is now known as the Dead Pass, a break in the Hujarin Mountains leading to the Eastern Lands. In the destruction, the fleeing population of Waldar went to Tinnet's second city: Jaho. The destruction of Waldar also resulted in the death of the Grand Cleric at the time. This event was so devastating that even modern Tinnetians hold the Thuon Khor Empire with extremely hateful perceptions.   Due to the high number of clerics in Tinnet, it is seen as a pace of healing and revelation. There are temples to most deities spread throughout Tinnet and is seen as a place of pilgrimage for most religious individuals. Many Tinnetians elect to stay in their cities and villages on the mountains and rarely leave, however, some devout followers from Tinnet have left for the New World, hoping to spread their deity's influence across the sea.   Tinnet is based on the real-world Himalayan region of Asia and its people.

Peace in the Greatest Heights

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Head of State
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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