Yellowhammer Sovren in Vespana | World Anvil
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Yellowhammer Sovren

Yellowhammer is an inbred dwarven dynasty. The royal family is on its last legs, only supported by close allies of the family hoping to inherit some of the vast wealth they hide in their capital. Marred by a series of poor decisions and unlucky gambles, Yellowhammer is a dying sovren.     People and Society Races: Dwarves (60%), Humans (17%), Other (33%) Languages: Common, Dwarvish Geography: Swampy, wet forests   Government Government type: Absolute Monarchy Nobility and Privilege: Yellowhammer Family Capital: Tower/Hrymtoth; a giant spire that emerges from the ocean. Underwater tunnels and giant cable bridges allow access. Crime and Punishment: Harsh punishments, but very little enforcement. Allies and Adversaries: A member of the Dila Confederacy. Taxation: Medium taxes on commoners, low taxes for the rich. Infrastructure: sorely lacking; Vespanite highlines keep the people moving. Military: The navy is mostly old ships from long ago, and the army gets its equipment from Imperia.   Economy Natural Resources: Iron mines to the north. Trade, Guilds and Market: No major markets or home-run guilds. Spearel skyships rarely appear here, instead opting to go further towards Sumbe and Opulent. Technology and Medicine: Decades behind in advancements. Transportation and Communication: Highlines are the primary road system, which are poorly protected. Commoners use letters whilst the nobility use magic. Farming: Poor farming, growing rice, corn, cotton, and peanuts. Some ranching. Export/Import: Exports iron and food.   Culture Art and Entertainment: The Highsummer Celebration was born here. Storytelling and song are common art forms. Architecture: Mostly dwarven; low buildings built into stone mounds using wood. Fashion and Dress: Practical and modest. Not very colorful or emphasizing a particular style. Holidays: Highsummer Celebration.   Customs Religion: Traditional Pantheon. Religious Tolerance: Distrust Vespanite worship.

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