Rootworm Species in Veska | World Anvil
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A species of carnivorous plant, the Rootworm is the bane to both adventurer and wildlife alike. True to their name, they closely resemble a root protruding from the ground when left undisturbed, but are actively hostile towards anything unfortunate enough to draw close towards its sharp maw.

Basic Information


Rootworms possess a very long body; true to their name, this is reminiscent to a tree's root, hence the name. They have a stiff, heavy bulb that's buried beneath the ground, while their stiff stalk typically snakes along the floor of the forest.    A rootworm has a 'mouth' that blossoms out into a colorful flower; bright, red petals open to reveal three long tendrils, ending with bright green pods that are used as a lethal lure to unsuspecting prey. Not only do the glowing pods draw victims in, but the stalk connected to it is lined with a sticky, glue-like adhesive that's used to snare its prey. These tendrils slowly reel in captured prey so that they can latch their thorn-lined petals onto the victim, allowing them to inject a digestive enzyme that's used to slowly liquefy the victim into a slurry.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivorous plants, the Rootworm typically prefers baiting smaller insects that it can swallow whole. However, the lures are plenty capable of hindering adventurers unfortunate enough to wind up snagged at the leg; even if their prey escapes their latching grasp, they will no doubt be left crippled from their acidic digestive fluid.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rootworm is actually a common plant found in Dekarti cuisine; particularly around The Pinching Gulf. It can be prepared in a variety of ways and is often described as carrying a 'bitter, yet savory flavor'. It is often sliced and served in fried medallions.
Geographic Distribution


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