Red Urchins - Kishishish Species in Veska | World Anvil
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Red Urchins - Kishishish ((Kuh-Shi-Shi-Shh))

Red Urchins(Kishishish in Dekarti tongue) are a species of Sea Urchin found across the southern coast of Dekarth. They're known for being a crucial part for Dekarti cuisine -- particularly within settlements set around the Pinching Gulf.

Basic Information


Red Urchins are like many other sea urchins; they're shaped like a ball and covered in sharp quills. Aside from the hard carapace, the quills are sharp enough to puncture flesh in most circumstances, which serves as a defense mechanism against most predators.

Genetics and Reproduction

Although most Urchins that are found throughout the Pinching Gulf are a dull, purplish or maroon colour, it's when an Urchin turns bright, blood red that it reaches near adulthood. Urchins that reach this size are well beyond mature, and can reach massive sizes of about 3 feet in circumference; slightly larger than a grown man's torso.    During this time, Urchins enter a stage where they begin to reproduce; Urchins stop eating and seek out other 'herds' of Urchins to create spawning beds nearby the ocean floor. They do this until they inevitably pass on.

Growth Rate & Stages

Urchins begin in a larval stage that's reminiscent to plankton or krill; urchin larvae are typically fed upon by a variety of crustaceans found along the coast. After period of growth, the Urchin lowers itself towards the seafloor and anchors itself in place, where its body undergoes metamorphosis. It essentially turns itself inside out, developing the hard, spiny-shelled carapace it's known for.

Ecology and Habitats

As with most urchins, they best thrive within environments that have plentiful kelp or algae. The Red Urchin in particular thrives within The Pinching Gulf solely because the vast quantities of kelp that form an underwater jungle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Red Urchins graze upon kelp and algae through a mouth at the bottom of their buoyant, circular bodies.  They are strictly omnivorous; with sharp teeth that munch and grind anything that happens to float by them at the time, and are not discriminate about what they attempt to eat.

Additional Information


Red Urchins are gathered and farmed throughout Dekarth due to their low maintenance. They are relatively docile and easy to transfer, and their massive size leads to them being called 'Ripe' whenever their skin turns that trademark red.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A common delicacy and seafood used in Dekarti cuisine; Red Urchins are able to be cracked open and eaten raw.   Additionally, their shells are actually able to be ground down into a fine powder that can be used to make inks. Black ink is made from younger urchins, while grown urchins make red ink.
Average Length
Between 20~40 Inches in Diameter during most of their life; at adulthood, this can grow much larger, roughly
Geographic Distribution


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