Witch Guard

Witch Guard

Created by Tonemanzero, Drangoana and Connor M


Dolten Origin

  Saving throw DC for Witch Guard abilities is 8 + Your Proficiency + Your Strength/Dexterity Modifier + Your Prestige  

Tier 1: Level 4

At the beginning of every session you may pair with any other character, who then becomes your Ward. Doing so binds you to that character until your next long rest. After spending an hour during a long rest you may change who you are bound to. This process can be performed with either PCs or NPCs (pending DM approval).     Guard: You may use your reaction to redirect a single-target attack on your Ward to yourself while your Ward is within a distance of at [5] + [your Prestige level * 5] feet from you.     Distracting: When your Ward would be targeted by an enemy’s single target attack, and your Ward is within 30 feet of you, you may use your reaction to force disadvantage on that enemy’s attack roll. This may also be performed for non-Ward allies, to a limit of your Prestige level between short or long rests.    

Tier 2: Level 8

Protector of the Coven: As a reaction, you can redirect a spell targeting your Ward to yourself once a day. Doing so provides advantage on saving throws, alongside a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency, against that spell. The spell must be of spell level equal to [half your level] + [Prestige level] or lower, rounded down. This may be performed once between long rests. (Moved from T3)   Escape Carry: As an action, you pick up your Ward (triggering no enemy attack reactions against the Ward) and carry them a distance up to your movement speed total (note: this movement does not benefit from At Your Side). You can do this twice per short or long rest. The Ward does not count against any weight requirements or restrictions for encumbrance purposes.   At Your Side: When moving directly towards your Ward, your movement speed is increased by 10. This additional movement can not be augmented in any way.    

Tier 3: Level 12

A Guard is Always Ready: You gain an additional action OR reaction once per round - this additional usage can only be used for Witch Guard abilities. (Usage is mutually exclusive. For example, if you use Escape Carry as an additional action on your turn, you cannot also spend a second reaction on Guard)   At Your Side: The movement speed bonus increases by 5 feet (total of 15)   Protector of the Coven: This reaction may now be performed up to 3 times per long rest.    

Prestige Abilities

Prestige 1:

While within [5] + [your Prestige level * 5] feet of your Ward, your Ward receives a bonus to their saves throws equal to [1] + [your Prestige level].  

Prestige 2:

Your Fight’s with Me!: As an action, you can taunt a target enemy. This enemy cannot target your Ward unless they pass a WIS saving throw (DC = 8 + Prof + STR/DEX + Prestige level). The enemy can attempt to remove the effect at the end of their turns.  

Prestige 3:

Witches Never Die: Bonding to an ally grants that ally the benefits of the Death Ward spell. This spell fades if you are unconscious. When this Death Ward is triggered, that ally’s HP is set to a quarter of your max HP (instead of 1).  

Prestige 4:

Death Shall Not Claim You As an action, you may choose to sacrifice your own HP, up to half of your max HP, and heal your Ward for that amount of HP. The Ward must be within 60 feet of you and you cannot sacrifice HP beyond your current total.