The Legend of the Seven Myth in Veltara | World Anvil
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The Legend of the Seven

In the ancient annals of Abendall, it is said that The Seven were chosen by the Elder Gods themselves, imbued with a divine spark known as the Ember of the Godflame. This celestial gift bestowed upon them extraordinary abilities, elevating them from mortal heroes to legendary champions whose feats would echo through the ages. As the divine emissaries of the Elder Gods, The Seven were entrusted with the monumental task of liberating the world from the iron grip of the Zenithian Empire. Each of the Seven was chosen for their unique qualities and virtues, which, when combined, formed an unstoppable force that the Zenithians could not contend with. As they embarked on their legendary journey, the Godflame within them burned ever brighter, granting them the fortitude, wisdom, and power needed to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges they faced.   In the heart of the great city of Luminor, a lasting tribute to The Seven endures in the form of the Sanctuary of the Seven. Erected in their honor, this hallowed edifice stands as a testament to their heroic deeds and the divine providence that guided their path. The Sanctuary remains an enduring symbol of hope, unity, and the boundless potential of mortals when guided by the wisdom and grace of the Elder Gods. More than ten millennia after their legendary deeds, The Seven's legacy continues to resonate in a world far removed from their own. As stories of their heroism are passed down from generation to generation, they serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of unity, courage, and sacrifice. Their tale has inspired countless heroes who, in turn, have shaped the course of history, ensuring that the spirit of The Seven remains undimmed in the hearts and minds of the people of Abendall. In an age well beyond their own, the world has evolved in ways they could never have imagined. Yet, amidst the inexorable march of progress, the echoes of The Seven continue to reverberate through the ages, a testament to the enduring power of their legacy and the indelible mark they left on the world.   Swynn of the Golden Tongue was the epitome of charisma and charm, a bard whose reputation and influence extended far beyond the realm of music. With his roguish smile, infectious laughter, and daring acts of bravery, he captivated the hearts and minds of everyone he encountered. His unwavering confidence and love for life endeared him to both friend and foe alike. His cocky attitude, coupled with an innate talent for swordsmanship, made Swynn a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Fearless and cunning, he would often taunt his enemies, laughing in the face of danger and turning the tide of battles with a well-timed song or clever ploy. Women were drawn to his magnetic personality, while men aspired to emulate his effortless grace and unrelenting courage.   Swynn was a passionate protector of justice, championing the causes of the downtrodden and using his influence to right the wrongs of society. He was always dressed to impress, favoring bold colors and extravagant attire that made him stand out in any crowd. His sartorial choices were as much a testament to his exuberant personality as they were an extension of his artistic flair.   As an accomplished writer and poet, Swynn authored numerous books, each a testament to his wit and creativity. Collectors and scholars alike considered his works priceless relics of the Empire Age. Among his most sought-after titles were the risqué and wildly popular "Swynn's Masters Guide to Bedroom Acrobatics Volumes 1-8" and his audacious, self-aggrandizing work, "The Greatest Songs Ever Written."   Some of Swynn's legendary deeds included his single-handedly defeating a powerful Orc Beastmaster, armed with only his wits and his voice, causing the Orc's minions to turn on their master; and his infamous performance at the royal court, where his enchanting melodies moved the rival kings to set aside their differences and unite in peace. These acts, along with countless others, solidified Swynn's status as a larger-than-life figure whose name would echo through the annals of history.
  Princess Egaliel was a complex character, whose abrasive and rebellious nature often masked her deep sense of duty and responsibility. As a child, she was a wild spirit, craving adventure and excitement rather than conforming to the expectations of her noble elven family. Egaliel's tomboyish demeanor and refusal to adhere to traditional elven customs made her an outcast among her own people, causing her much pain and anguish. Princess Egaliel was an ethereal beauty, embodying the grace and elegance of her elven heritage. Standing tall with a lithe, agile frame, she moved with the fluidity and poise of a dancer. Her long, silken hair cascaded down her back in a shimmering waterfall of moonlight silver, often adorned with delicate braids and small, intricate elven ornaments. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, seemed to hold the mysteries of the ancient forests within their depths. Her fair, almost translucent complexion was accentuated by high cheekbones and a delicate, pointed chin, giving her an otherworldly appearance that was both enchanting and mysterious.   Egaliel's attire often consisted of lightweight, form-fitting armor crafted from the finest elven materials, designed to provide protection without hindering her impressive agility. Intricate patterns and runes adorned her armor, reflecting her noble heritage and her connection to the magical energies of her homeland. A quiver of finely fletched arrows, each one a work of art in its own right, always hung at her side, ready for her to unleash her deadly marksmanship upon her foes.   Fleeing her home in the Wildlands, she ventured into the mortal realm, where her unyielding spirit and exceptional skills eventually led her to become one of the legendary Seven. Over time, Egaliel's marksmanship and agility became the stuff of legends, as she played a vital role in stopping Mal'gerath's invasion of the Wildlands.   This momentous event had far-reaching consequences for the elven people, as it marked the beginning of the end of their time in their ancestral homeland. As the elves were forced to leave the Wildlands, Egaliel led many of the refugees to the snowy northern reaches of Abendall. There, they established the communities that would eventually become known as the Eluri Snow Elves.   Princess Egaliel's strong-willed nature and fierce determination made her an excellent leader, even as her sometimes harsh and standoffish demeanor made it difficult for others to get close to her. Despite this, she and Vidar, the hulking barbarian of The Seven, fell in love and were wed. Together, they founded the nation of Ryndell, a testament to the unbreakable bond that had formed between them.   Vidar, much like Egaliel, was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but he was also known for his surprisingly gentle and caring nature, which endeared him to many. Together, they complemented each other perfectly, with Vidar's strength and warmth providing a counterbalance to Egaliel's brash and impulsive tendencies.   Some of Princess Egaliel's legendary deeds include her single-handedly holding off an entire battalion of Mal'gerath's forces with just her bow and arrows, and her fabled Eagle Shot, where she fired an arrow so high and true that it struck down a mighty Netherwing mid-flight, saving her companions from certain doom. Her contributions to the Seven and her people will forever be remembered in the annals of history.
  Vidar the Barbarian was an imposing figure, standing well over six and a half feet tall, with a muscular build that bespoke of a lifetime of hard labor and combat. His long, unkempt hair and beard, both the color of icey gold, framed a face that was both fearsome and kind. His eyes, a piercing blue, seemed to see straight into one's soul, and his booming laughter was as infectious as it was thunderous. Despite his intimidating exterior, Vidar was a gentle giant at heart, fiercely loyal to his friends and loved ones, and always ready to lend a helping hand or share a hearty meal. His love for Egaliel was the stuff of legends, and the two were often seen fighting side by side, their combined might an unstoppable force on the battlefield.   Born into slavery in the harsh north of the Zenithian Empire, Vidar spent his early years toiling in the mines, using his immense strength and endurance to outlast those around him. When the time came for rebellion, Vidar's leadership and indomitable spirit led his fellow slaves to victory against their oppressors.   Free at last, Vidar formed a group of bandits with his fellow escapees, known as The Northern Wrath. They became a thorn in the side of the Zenithian Empire, raiding their supply caravans and disrupting their operations at every turn. When Vidar and his bandits crossed paths with The Seven, he readily joined their cause, eager to help bring an end to the tyranny of the Zenithians.   Some of Vidar's legendary deeds include single-handedly holding off an entire squadron of elite Zenithian soldiers, his mighty warhammer crushing armor and bones alike with each swing. In another tale, Vidar charged headlong into a fray with a fearsome Zenithian dragon, grappling with the beast and ultimately snapping its neck with his bare hands.   However, his most well-known feat was during the climactic battle against the Zenithian forces when Vidar faced the Zenith of War himself. Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, the two titans clashed, their strength and ferocity unmatched. In the end, Vidar emerged victorious, taking the head of the Zenith of War as a trophy and a symbol of the end of Zenithian tyranny.   Through his deeds and the unwavering love he shared with Egaliel, Vidar the Barbarian earned a place in the annals of history as a hero whose courage, strength, and kindness would inspire generations to come.
  Agyar the Wolf Mage was a brooding and enigmatic figure among The Seven. Cloaked in a wolf cape and cowl that seemed to meld with the shadows, his haunting eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intelligence. Tall and slender, he moved with a feline grace, his steps nearly silent, as if he were one with the night itself. Agyar's long, black and silver hair cascaded down his back, framing a sharp, angular face marked with arcane sigils that seemed to shimmer and shift as the light changed. Though he was a loner, Agyar's immense knowledge and arcane mastery made him an invaluable member of The Seven. He was often found lost in his books and scrolls, his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge driving him to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe. His connection with his fellow heroes was tenuous, but the bond of loyalty and respect they shared was unbreakable.   As one of the founding members of the Mage City of Neave, Agyar's teachings and writings are still revered by students of the arcane arts. It is said that his vast knowledge and understanding of the magical world enabled him to wield power beyond imagination, and his legendary feats were many.   Among his most famous exploits was the Battle of the Crumbling Sky, where he single-handedly shattered the enchantments that held aloft an entire Zenithian floating fortress, bringing it crashing down upon their unsuspecting armies below. Another tale tells of the time he faced an entire battalion of Zenithian sorcerers in a magical duel, his mastery of the arcane arts so vast that he was able to not only nullify their spells but separate their bloodlines from the Myst itself.   However, after the fall of the Zenithian Empire, Agyar became increasingly reclusive. His self-imposed exile from Neave fueled rumors of his descent into madness, particularly after he ventured into the infinite library of the Primordial Uresh and returned, his eyes haunted by the unimaginable secrets he had glimpsed within.   Others whispered that Agyar had uncovered the truth behind the Zenithians' dispute with the Elder Gods, a truth so terrible that it drove him to seal the Sanctuary of The Seven and disappear into the shadows of history. As the years turned to centuries, Agyar's true fate became a mystery that would haunt the realm, his enigmatic legacy a tantalizing enigma for the generations of scholars and mages who followed in his footsteps.
  Teasandra the Martyr, a compassionate and gentle soul, devoted her life to the service of the Elder Sun God, Soltharion. Her love and respect for all living things were reflected in her actions and her pacifist oath. With a heart as warm as the sun she worshiped, Teasandra's mere presence brought hope and solace to those around her. Aesthetically, Teasandra was a striking figure with a serene and calming aura. She had flowing, golden hair that seemed to glow with the warmth of sunlight, and her eyes were a brilliant amber hue, filled with kindness and empathy. She wore simple, flowing robes adorned with motifs of the sun, reflecting her devotion to Soltharion. Her soft-spoken voice carried the wisdom and understanding of a benevolent healer.   Teasandra's legendary deeds were centered around her unwavering compassion and ability to heal both the body and soul. In one instance, she was said to have calmed a raging storm that threatened to devastate a small village, her prayers reaching the very heart of the tempest and bringing peace to the skies. In another tale, it is said that she once healed an entire battalion of wounded soldiers, using her divine powers to mend their injuries and restore their spirits, enabling them to stand up once more and defend their homeland.   Teasandra lived a long and meaningful life, eventually passing away peacefully in her old age. However, the world would change dramatically after her death, with the returned Zenith of Death, Gostwyld, leaving the Elder God Soltharion beaten and embittered. Soltharion's faith, once a beacon of hope and love, would be twisted by anger and resentment. Now known as the Iron God, Soltharion's followers became zealots, seeking penance and purification through fire and pain.   In the eyes of the Iron Faith, Teasandra is revered as a saint and the last living disciple of perfection. Her memory and her teachings serve as an eternal reminder of what the faith of Soltharion once stood for, a testament to the power of compassion and the potential for redemption, even in the darkest of times.
  Thrain of the Thunderclad was a venerable dwarven paladin, well into his years when he joined The Seven. He had already garnered a great deal of respect among his people as the leader of an elite guard known as the Thunderclad, in a time when dwarves were still transitioning to life on the surface. His gruff, stoic demeanor was tempered by an unexpected bashfulness, which endeared him to his fellow heroes. Standing shorter than his human and elven companions, Thrain's solid, muscular frame was a testament to his decades of rigorous training and combat. His long, braided white beard and hair framed a face that was both weathered and kind, bearing the marks of a lifetime of battle. Clad in intricately crafted dwarven plate armor adorned with intricate runes and symbols of Thorodin, Thrain wielded his trusty poleaxe, Skybreaker, with unmatched skill and precision.   As the father figure of The Seven, Thrain provided guidance, wisdom, and unyielding support to his fellow heroes. His legendary deeds included the single-handed defense of a mountain pass against an army of invading orcs, saving a dwarven settlement from a massive cave-in with his immense strength, and banishing a powerful demon back to the Abyss with the divine power granted to him by Thorodin.   In the final battle against the Zenithians, Thrain fought valiantly alongside his comrades. In a heroic act of self-sacrifice, he was struck down while protecting his allies from a devastating attack. In honor of his sacrifice, the dwarven people entombed Thrain as a hero, laying him to rest with his beloved poleaxe, Skybreaker, by his side.   Sadly, as the ages passed and the dwarves embarked on their pilgrimage towards the sky after the events of Godfall and the Elder God Thorodin's descent into godsleep, Thrain's memory and tomb were slowly abandoned and forgotten. Yet, the spirit of Thrain of the Thunderclad continues to inspire those who hear the tale of The Seven, a testament to his unwavering courage and devotion to his people.
  Nalshava the Arzal'Nocta Witch, hailed from the distant sands of Sittarr, a place known for its harsh climate, enigmatic culture, and the mystical powers that permeated its air. As the oracle of The Seven, Nalshava was revered not only by her fellow heroes but also by the people who sought her wisdom and guidance. Her darker complexion, combined with her exotic and mysterious manner of speech, made her a figure of intrigue and fascination among the people of Abendall. Aesthetically, Nalshava was a striking figure. Her deep, dark eyes were said to hold secrets of the cosmos, and her long, flowing ebony hair framed a face marked with intricate, swirling tattoos that told stories of her lineage and the spirits she communed with. She wore flowing, desert-inspired garments made from fine silks, adorned with precious gems and metals that shimmered in the sunlight. The traditional attire of her people, these clothes allowed her to move gracefully and silently, like a whisper on the wind.   As an adept assassin, Nalshava was no stranger to the shadows, and she used her unique understanding of the primordial spirits of the Eclipsed Expanse to her advantage. Her uncanny ability to merge with the shadows and vanish from sight made her a lethal force on the battlefield and a valuable asset in covert operations.   Nalshava's legendary deeds are numerous, but among the most notable are her successful assassination of the Zenitian General that turned the tide of a critical battle in favor of The Seven and the people of Abendall. She was also known for her unparalleled skill in divination, which led The Seven to uncover hidden Zenitian strongholds and ambush their enemies with devastating effectiveness.   Despite her accomplishments, Nalshava remained a figure shrouded in mystery. Her origins were never fully known, and her allegiances to her homeland and The Seven left her a complex character that inspired equal measures of awe, respect, and wariness from those who encountered her. In the years following the fall of the Zenithian Empire, Nalshava, like the other members of The Seven, began to drift away from the spotlight. She returned to her homeland of Sittarr, seeking solace and wisdom from the spirits and the unforgiving desert that had shaped her. Rumors circulated that she had become the High Oracle of her people, leading them through the shifting sands and guiding their destiny in a world forever changed by the events of the new Age. Nalshava's ultimate fate is unknown, her path obscured by the sands of time and the veil of secrecy that cloaked her homeland. As with the other members of The Seven, her story would become a legend passed down through generations, a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the power of unity, and the extraordinary abilities of those who walked the path of heroes.


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