Alina, the Breath of Darkness Character in Veltara | World Anvil
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Alina, the Breath of Darkness

Alina, the Breath of Darkness, is a revered and powerful primordial being in the world of Veltara. She is worshiped by the Arzal'Nocta people who reside in the Juthraki desert in the continent of Sittarr. The Arzal'Nocta are a mysterious and enigmatic people who embrace the shadows and the power of the night. The Arzal'Nocta are known for their dark, mysterious, and captivating beauty. They have dark ebony skin that seems to absorb the light around them, with eyes that shimmer like stars in the night sky. Their hair is typically black or dark brown, often worn in elaborate braids or adorned with beads and precious metals. The clothing of the Arzal'Nocta is flowing and elegant, with deep shades of blue, purple, and black that mimic the colors of the night sky. They often wear intricate silver jewelry, and some even have delicate, luminous tattoos that seem to glow with the light of the moon.   The practices of the Arzal'Nocta revolve around their deep reverence for the night, the stars, and the power of darkness. They hold ceremonies under the new moon, where they pay homage to Alina and the primordial forces of darkness. They practice an ancient form of astral divination, using the position of the stars to predict the future and guide their decisions. Ritual dances are also a central aspect of their worship, with fluid, hypnotic movements that evoke the flow of darkness and the passage of time. In addition to her dominion over darkness, Alina is also deeply connected to the forces of wind and clouds. Her breath is said to give life to the gentlest breeze and the most powerful storm alike, and she has the power to manipulate clouds, shaping them to her will and using them to conceal her presence or obscure her intentions   Alina's holy symbol is a silver crescent moon surrounded by a halo of shimmering stars. This emblem represents her dominion over the night and her connection to the mysteries of darkness.   Alina herself is an awe-inspiring and enigmatic figure. She appears as a black-skinned woman whose body seems to be made of the night sky itself, with a complexion that shimmers like the stars and galaxies. Her eyes are deep, mysterious pools of darkness, filled with the wisdom and secrets of the universe. Her hair is a flowing cascade of shadows, adorned with glimmering stars that form constellations and celestial patterns. She is often depicted wearing flowing, ethereal robes made from the fabric of the night sky, adorned with silver and precious gems that catch the light of the moon.   Alina's origins are deeply intertwined with the creation of The other Primordials. As the embodiment of the night and the mysteries of darkness, she emerged from The last breath of her dying mother. Her connection to Oroszlán, the Pride of Flame, is rooted in their complementary powers: his fire is strengthened by her winds, and her darkness is illuminated by his light. Their love story is a central aspect of the mythology surrounding both primordials, symbolizing the balance between light and darkness, as well as the importance of unity and connection in the face of adversity.   As the worshipers of Alina, the Arzal'Nocta are a quiet, contemplative people who value the wisdom and power of the night. They are known for their patience, their ability to keep secrets, and their skill at navigating the shadows both literally and figuratively. While they may appear aloof or mysterious to outsiders, the Arzal'Nocta are deeply loyal to their allies and will fiercely protect those they care for.

Midnight Witches

Witches who make pacts with Alina are known as the Night Whisperers. These individuals are drawn to the powers of darkness, wind, and clouds that Alina embodies. Their aesthetic often includes deep shades of indigo, midnight blue, and black, with clothing and accessories made from lightweight, flowing fabrics that mimic the movement of wind and clouds. They may also wear symbolic jewelry featuring Alina's holy symbol, a crescent moon encircling a silhouette of a cloud. Night Whisperers have a strong affinity for darkness and air magic and are known to call upon wind and shadow spirits associated with Alina. These spirits come in various forms, such as:     Shadow Scorpions: Stealthy, scorpion-like spirits composed of darkness that can move silently and blend into the shadows. They are skilled at ambushing enemies, delivering potent venomous strikes, and creating patches of darkness to hide their summoner or allies.   Zephyr Owls: Elusive, owl-like beings formed from swirling air currents. They possess the ability to manipulate wind, creating gentle breezes or powerful gusts as needed. With their keen senses and silent flight, they can serve as scouts, messengers, or deliver precise, wind-based attacks from a distance.   Star Elementals: Enigmatic, humanoid-shaped spirits that embody the mysterious energy of the night sky. They can manipulate the powers of darkness and starlight, casting radiant beams or creating areas of impenetrable darkness. Their ethereal presence can inspire awe and wonder, and they are known to possess vast knowledge of the cosmos.     The personality of a Night Whisperer is often characterized by their cunning, adaptability, and introspection. They tend to be perceptive, strategic thinkers who excel at reading the emotions and intentions of others. They are cautious and patient, preferring to observe and analyze a situation before taking action. These witches may also exhibit a strong affinity for secrecy and subterfuge, often working from the shadows to achieve their goals.   The "Veiled Dancer" constellation. This celestial formation, visible in the skies above Veltara, resembles a graceful figure shrouded in swirling clouds and shadows. Those born under the influence of the Veiled Dancer constellation are believed to be especially attuned to Alina's power and are more likely to form a pact with her.


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