Vartai-divinus The History of Vartai Timeline
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The History of Vartai

The Records of the history of Vartai, otherwise known as the Fungal Lands, from the end of the Age of Darkness to modern day.

  • 0

    The End of the Age of Darkness
    Era beginning/end

    The end of the Age of Darkness, with the land of Galbar and the Shard finally stablized. At this point, the only mortals inhabiting the region are the Azrath within the eastern mountains.

  • 4

    First Arrival of the Exiles
    Population Migration / Travel

    Around this time, as recorded by various Exile and Azrath accounts, the first Exiles would come to settle within the Fungal Lands. These Exiles were survivors of the Age of Darkness who had lost their homelands and would settle within the lands of the Fungal Forest, mostly amongst the Northeast.

  • 5


    Conflicts between Exiles and Azrath
    Military action

    Due to the arrival of the Exiles, the Azrath felt it more needed to secure and protect the Sanctuary due to their duties given to them by Alzria. This would result in early clashes between the Exiles and Azrath as the Exiles sought to move into the Hilllands and Mountains.
    While overall these would be won by the Azrath, it would sour the relations between the two groups, leading to a long period of isolation from the Azrath and agressiveness from the Exiles.

  • 7

    Arrival of the Syrash and Goetka
    Population Migration / Travel

    Around this time two new groups would come to settle within Vartai, The moth-like Syrash, and the often horrific Goetka. Both groups would emerge from Portals within the lands of Vartai, with the Syrash settling down along the massive central river within Vartai due to their maritime and raiding culture. The Geotka meanwhile would settle closer towards the Fungal Hills and begin to establish their monastic communities, though they would tend towards the Hill-Forest border, to avoid conflict with the Azrath.

  • 8

    Criminal Exiles begin to increase
    Population Migration / Travel

    At this time, the Exiles began to undergo a transition, from surviviors of the Age of Darkness, to Criminals and populations the other regions of the Shard had no desire to cater to such as religous minorities or extreme hermits. Its at this point a collection of Fire Blooded and Coilbrywen would arrive within Vartai, settling close to the already established population centers amongst the North.

  • 10


    Foundations of the First Cities

    With a growing population, the first cities would began to take form within Vartai, near the Great Central River the city of Karvárda would be established by the Von Talhains, an exiled criminal and noble family and would quickly grow to become the central population center of the region. Cities such as Talsava and Ostroca would also begin to form around this time, though all three were still a distance away from the population centers they are now.

  • 14

    The Coven of the Golden Eye arrives in Vartai
    Religious event

    A small religious group known as the Coven of the Golden Eyes would arrive within the community of Talsava, setting up shop within. For now very few took mind of the witch-like coven and their practices, allowing them to exist amongst the other gatherings of Exiles.

  • 16

    Rise of the Boyars
    Political event

    As exiles continue to arrive, a system of governance begins to slowly form, centered around military warlords that emerged from various Bandit realms called "Boyars". These Boyars acted akin to a feudal lord, providing protection to their areas in exchange for either taxes or troops. Notably, a counter would form at this time known as the Tanács, agrarian villages and towns that formed together in democratic-anarchist realms to oppose the Boyars. For the most part, much of Vartai would come under the influence of a Boyar or Tanács.

  • 17


    The Era of Strife
    Era beginning/end

    With the rise of the Boyars and Tanács, the region of Vartai became divided amongst various warlords and councils. For the most part the larger population centers came under the rule of the Boyars and the lesser populated wilds came under the rule of the Tanács, though other minor powers would begin to emerge throughout this era. Several inter-Vartai conflicts will occur, and the era will see the start of the naval raids by the Syrash Fleets and raids performed by the Boyars and their Bandit Armies. The conflict only ending with the First Vartai-Imperial War and the rise of the Confederation.

  • 18

    Emergence of the Crime/Merchant Families
    Financial Event

    With the growing population centers and cities, there came an influx of criminals, though as Exiles fleeing other governments from beyond Vartai and coming to settle within the cities. These groups would begin to interact and unify, gathering around various exiled Crime Families such as the Von Talhains and the Bartholds, who would begin to establish themselves as "Merchant" Families to avoid the immediate connection to their criminal activities, though there was little in the way of laws within Vartai at the time(and even today).

  • 19


    Astella Tech Arrives to Vartai
    Financial Event

    It would be this period where AstellaTech would make its way into Vartai, slowly setting up their buisness within city of Karvárda and the growing cities of Talsava and Ostroca. The Company would, for the most part, be welcomed wiithin the region by the Boyars and the growing Crime/Merchant Families, who sought to work alongside the company.

  • 20

    Worship of Orynn rises in the Tanács
    Religious event

    With the creation of the Tanács the worship of Orynn, the God of Defiance, would begin to rise within the regions they held sway over. Many Tanács would utalize the image of the god to rally their forces and people against the Boyars, something that would further ingrain the god within the agrarian villages of Vartai.

  • 22

    The Azrath formalize into a Margravet
    Political event

    After spending many years without a centralized form of governance, the Azrath would formally gather and elect their leader, Valix, to the title of Margrave. Formalizing their nation into the Margravet of the Azrath that nomially claimed the entire eastern fungal mountains of Vartai, though in practice only have control in the regions the Azrath had settled within.

  • 22

    9 /6

    Birth of Kelemen Kozma
    Life, Birth

    It would be this year, on the 9th day of the 6th month that Kelemen Kozma would be born within the city of Ostroca. The eldest of soon to be three children, his father served as a captain in the local Boyar's army, and his mother as a rather minor city offical, allowing him to live an early life of relative comfort.

  • 24

    The Goetka Orders spread to the Cities.
    Religious event

    While largely constrained to the Goetka communities at this time, their monastic and knightly orders would begin to make their way to the populated centers of Vartai, forming the basis of the growing religious network within the region. Notably their more spiritualistic view of the world and self-betterment efforts would attract various converts and supporters, with even some Boyars becoming part of the knightly orders and intergrating them with their armies.

  • 26

    The Syrash Fleets begin their Raids down River
    Military action

    Under the command of Boyar Crizian Ūdris, the first Syrash Raiding Fleet would make their way down the Great Central River, launching raids against those who lived within the Monsoon Lands. This would mark the begining of Pirate fleets emerging from within Vartai to raid across the rivers, looting and pillaging as they went.

  • 26

    The Golden Eyes begin Research into the Rifts
    Discovery, Scientific

    After witnessing the effects of the Rifts and the Layers within, Lilia and Rozalia Stokowska, the dual leaders of the Coven of the Golden Eye, would begin to direct their Coven's efforts to probing about the Rifts and their properties further, seeking to learn more about them and gain the benefits.

  • 27

    The Bandit Raids Begin
    Military action

    Inspired by the actions of the Syrash fleets the year before, several Boyars would gather their bandit armies and militias and perform raids on realms not only beyond Vartai, but within Vartai itself. The raids beyond would falter in the begining, the armies being inexperienced, but the raids within would bring a great deal of devistation, esspecially when focused upon the Tanács, the eternal enemies of the Boyars.

  • 29


    The Azrath-Goetka War
    Military action

    Growing conflicts amongst settelments within the Fungal Hills and Mountains between the Azrath Margravet and the Goetka Orders would result in the Azrath-Goetka War. This war would be relatively short, lasting only a year, but would see a good deal of fighting between the Orders and Margravet, though little changing hands between the groups. The war would eventually be settled with the Treaty of Settlement.

  • 30

    The Treaty of Settlement is signed.
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Settlement would be signed in this year, officialy ending the short Azrath-Goetka war. The Treaty would establish the borders between the Margravet and the Orders, with the Fungal Mountains of Vartai being formalized as the Margravet's lands, and the western Hillands being the land of the Orders. This treaty would, for the most part, end the conflicts between the Exiles and Azrath, though disputes would continue.

  • 34

    Golden Eye research into Rifts produces Layer Expeditions
    Scientific achievement

    After 8 years of dedicated research, the Golden Eyes would unveil their research into the Rifts and Layers to the city and Boyar of Talsava. This would result in the Boyar giving formal support to the Golden Eyes, and begin expeditions into the various Layers, though they were still chaotic, unrully affairs at the current moment.

  • 35

    The Golden Eyes form the Golden Eyes Research and Exploration Institution

    With the full backing of the Boyar of Talsava, the dual leaders of the Coven of the Golden Eyes, Lilia and Rozalia Stokowska, would decided to transition the Coven into a formal orginization bent on the research of Magic and other Phenomina. As such, they would transform into the Golden Eyes Research and Exploration Institution, with the Stokowska twins retaining their control over the orginization.

  • 38

    Kelemen Kozma joins the Black Army of Ostroca
    Life, Career

    At 16 years of age, Kelemen Kozma joined up with the Black Army of Ostroca, the main force of the Boyar of Ostroca, seeking to create a career for himself within the warlord's army. Many records would state that Kelemen showed an early sense of skill within the forces, quickly becoming the top of his group within training, and esspecially showing his leadership tactics in commanding units.

  • 40


    First Expeditions into the Mistlands

    It would be at this point that several groups would undertake expeditions into the south, past the mountainous ranges, into a land that became known as the Mistlands, few expeditions would return without problems, and quite a lot would not return at all. Eventually though, with the aid of Cults of Alzria, they would establish a sembelance of exploration into the region. Though so far, little would be done beyond a few basic gathering of info. As little worth could be seen from the region.

  • 42

    The Church of the Saints is Formed

    With the contuined growth of the worship of Orynn, several Tanács would gather to formalize the worship of the God of Defiance. This would result in the creation of the Church of the Saints, centered around the veneration and recording of Orynn's Saints, who the Orynnite Tanács considered beacons of defiance to strive towards. This would also begin the Church's lifelong mission of recording the name and life of every Saint and, if possible, retrieving their body if needed to bury them properly.

  • 45

    Kelemen Kozma is given command of a Company
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    With his stellar performance in the training of the Black Army, Kelemen Kozma would be given command over an entire company within the Army at the age of 23, the youngest commander within the Army at the time. This would gain him a great deal of prestige, and he would utalize this to his advantage, securing his position against potential rivals, and becoming a well respected leader amongst his troops.

  • 47

    The Orders accept Alzria and Orynn into their worship
    Religious event

    While the Goetka Orders were nominally agnostic affairs, focusing instead on lesser spiritual beings instead of gods, the overall worship of Alzria and Orynn amongst groups within Vartai began to fuse with the already popular Orders. It would be decided then to fully adopt the two gods into the worship of the Orders, greatly increasing their popularity, and furthering the fusion of cultures that would become the mainstay of Vartai.

  • 49

    The Boyar of Ostroca Dies
    Political event

    It would be this year that the Boyar of Ostroca, one of the most powerful Boyars of the region, would suddenly die, believed to have been murdered by rivals within his own army. This would spark a massive conflict, that would truly shape the region of Vartai.

  • 50


    The War of Ostrocan Succession
    Military action

    With the death of the Boyar, the realm of Ostroca would fall into chaos, two main claimants would emerge, the Boyar's son: Czesław Rodak and the Boyar's second in command: Feliks Kortas, though both men were accused of having killed the Boyar to begin with. This war would see the rise of Kelemen Kozma, who would become famous for bringing the supporters of Rodak to victory in the war over Kortas, who would be finally defeated in a decisive battle commanded by Kozma. It would also see the city of Ostroca itself distance itself from the rule of Boyars, instead favoring councils akin to the Tanács and the Merchant Families, a trend that many other cities would soon follow.

  • 58

    Kelemen Kozma becomes a Boyar
    Life, Milestone

    With the massive amount of popularity and support from the War of Ostrocan Succession, Kelemen Kozma would lead a coalition of bandit forces and militias northward, declaring himself a Boyar within a region by the border between the Fungal Forest and Fungal Grasslands. Kozma would secure his position by forming an alliance with his former commander, Boyar Rodak of Ostroca, and by actually allying with local Tanács in mutual agreements. Something which would be a basis for the later Confederation.

  • 60


    The Karvádra Revolt

    Inspired by the actions Ostroca took to distance themselves from their ruling Boyar, the city of Karvádra would seek to do the same. This though would result in a crackdown by their Boyar who sought to keep the populous and rich city under their control. The city would respond with riots and more direct opposition, clashing with the forces loyal to the Boyar, eventually escelating to a full blow revolt against the Boyar. Notably, the revolt's main ally would be the Von Talhains, the local crime and merchant family, who would make deals with several nearby Boyars and Tanács to supply the revolt against the Boyar's forces.  The Revolt would eventually see a victory for the city, with the Von Talhains having secured a great deal of power and ensuring the city's independence. This would result in Karvádra being declared the first Canton of Vartai, an independent free-city with a more democratic government.

  • 63

    Construction of the University of Talsava Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    With a growing focus on research and science, the Golden Eyes would beign construction of the University of Talsava, a large complex meant to gather the finest minds of Vartai into a singular place. They would gain aid from both the local Boyar and the city's elites, who saw the university as a potential place to educate their family members and get ahead of their rivals.

  • 66

    The Creation of Insanity Sunset
    Cultural event

    Created by an experiment of an alchemist dealing with Wyrmwood, Diviners Lily, and a few other herbs. Insanity Sunset would become the first alchoholic drink to become widly adopted amongst Vartai, while several local drinks had existed at this time, I. Sunset(its more common nickname) would spread throughout the region. The drink would become famous for its green colouration and the ability to induce hallucinations after a few drinks, though this would mean only a small amount would ever be sold to someone.

  • 70


    The First Vartai-Imperial War
    Era beginning/end

    Due to dubious claims that Kelemen Kozma, famed Boyar of Vartai, had planned and backed the now infamous Mujahasanam Incident within the Osshurian Empire, Imperial forces marched southward and began the first true war within the region of Vartai. This war would be the first time the various forces of Vartai would fight alongside one another, and would show the utter ferocity they had when defending their homelands, and it would begin the series of events that would see the rise of the Confederation. Truly, this era shaped modern Vartai into what it is.

  • 71


    The Retreat from the Lowlands
    Military action

    Realizing they would not be able to face the Imperial Army in open battle, the opening phase of the war would see the Vartain armies retreating from the open grasslands, heading towards the great forest to the south. While they fled, Vartain armies would utalize the hit and run tactics they would become famous for, harrazing the Imperial Armies, goading them into advancing further. A fatal mistake they would take.

  • 73


    The Imperial Advance Stalls
    Military action

    As Imperial Forces reached the dense and wet fungal forests of Vartai, they would meet their greatest challenge, the landscape reduced their great "Thunder Guns"(as Vartains called them at the time) and enured their calvary was all but useless. All the way they were harrassed by the people of Vartai, ambushes, traps, night attacks, deception, everything was utalized in the war. It would be here the Boyars and Tanács would finally fight side by side, the Bandit Lords leading militias through the woods to strike at the invaders. Yet, the invasion still continued, something needed to change to break the growing stalemate.

  • 75

    Kozma elected Voivode, Azrath enter the war
    Gathering / Conference

    This year would be eventful for the trend of the war. First, Kelemen Kozma, the very man the Empire was accusing of causing the chaos that started this whole war, would be elected to the position of Voivode, ensuring he had complete control of the forces in the defense of Vartai. Alongside this the Azrath, who had til this point kept out of the war, would enter in to defend the region, if this was done out of a sense of unity or under orders of Alzria herself is still unknown, what is known is that the Azrath would serve a great role in the defense of Vartai, even bringing the great beasts of the sanctuary to aid the war.

  • 76


    The War Turns
    Military action

    With mounting losses and little to show for it, the Imperial Army rapidly found themselves in a difficult situation, their Emperor, the tyrant Ossurman I, refused to end the war until the head of Kelemen Kozma was delivered to him, but they could not gain any sort of headway against the Vartain defenses. Soon enough, the war would turn against the Empire, and Vartain victories would escalate, forcing them back more and more. Eventually, the tyrant Ossurman I would fall ill, forcing the Imperial armies to retreat, practically ending the war.

  • 80


    The Dawn of the Confederation
    Era beginning/end

    With the end of the First Vartai-Imperial War, a sense of unity began to wash over the people of Vartai, for the first time they had fought alongside one another, and the battlefield had forged strong bonds between once enemies. Seeing this, Kelemen Kozma would begin working alongside other great leaders within Vartai, seeking to forge a common alliance in the face of outside threats. This would see the creation of the Confederation of Vartai, a nation built by Exiles.

  • 169

    The White Death
    Plague / Epidemic
