Light's Eyes Organization in Varitinera | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Light's Eyes

One of the first religions to develop, Light's eyes members believe that Light is the most powerful of the gods and creator of all things.   The calendar based on the phases of the moons and conflict with Sun is still being used throughout the worlds. Important events are often held when both moons are full. Compared to when both are new, individuals are on extra alert as superstitious criminals will use rthe darkness to aid in their activities. Even the seasons are recognized and marked by festivals indicating Light's current position in the cycle.


It is said that as long as there is a source, no matter how dim, Light is observing. This leads to everything an individual sees Light sees, referring to the light given off by eyes.

Cosmological Views

It's believed that the sky is the domain of Light and it allows Sun to visit from its realm beneath the world. Night time gives the best views of the divine world. The moons Major and Minor are Light's eyes used to determine how attentive is. The stars are simply visible points on its body. Auroras appear where the god treads to close to the surface of the world.


The Festival of Lux is the most important occasion to believers. Communites will spend up to ten days celebrating the point in the cycle in which Light regains the upper hand in its perpetual conflict with Sun.

Granted Divine Powers

Type L individuals are viewed as agents of light, often given favor by the god over others. Those in its good graces will gain safety during the night and strength during the winter seasons. The rare few to appease the god may have ailments cured.

Light is Watching

Religious, Other
Permeated Organizations


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