Soul Rot Condition in Varen | World Anvil
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Soul Rot

The disease appears to affect the mind first. The Dorozi specimen deteriorated within 5 days of first symptoms. The Sylvar specimen, despite being objectively stronger of will deteriorated within the same amount of time. More Sylvar specimen needed to look into this. Olthamite and Khord specimen do not deteriorate slower within the first two to four days of the illness, but muscle mass present on the species makes the physical part of the deterioration take up to an extra three days longer. By the time these specimen turn completely, their brain matter is practically chunky soup. Completely useless. Make note for apprentices to ignore these and focus on the smaller humanoids.
— part of a journal found in The Lunar Scar


The condition only exists in The Lunar Scar, and as such is contracted only in that area of the world. Soul Rot can be be contracted in one of two ways. The most common way for one to suffer Soul Rot is through long term ( a period of longer than two weeks) exposure to the native energies of the land. This often proves a risk for any individuals with a history of mental illness, or people with arcane sensitivity.

The other way is more invasive. The Scar is simply chock full of beasts, sapient and otherwise.Of those beasts, plenty have the ability to cast magic. Being targeted by magic of the Scar directly rather than through gradual exposure, has a chance of inflicting Soul Rot upon the mind. Whether one can resist this, is a matter of an individual's mental prowess.


Soul Rot is technically classified as a somatoform illness. Ergo; whilst it is a mental affliction, it exhibits a number of physical symptoms, which have seemingly no origin at first. Generally, symptoms of Soul Rot can be divided into three categories: early, middle and late stage.


Early Stage Symptoms

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Disorganised speech
  • Sudden decrease in appetite
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Short black outs and patches of memory loss

Middle Stage Symptoms

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoid delusions
  • Inability to comprehend language
  • Inability to stomach solid food
  • Loss of a sense of self (characterised by inability to recognise oneself in the mirror for example)

Late Stage Symptoms

  • Vomiting of muscle and fatty matter
  • Catatonia
  • Blackening of veins and innards
  • Development and growth of claws
  • Twisting an breaking of bones


Treating Soul Rot is what is often described as an easy job with an asterisk. If one were to describe the process in a purely reductionist matter, it may appear a simple solution. After all, to treat Soul Rot all one needs is a simple healing ritual; followed by a few days in bed, a round of therapy and some healthy food. Simple, isn't it? Perhaps too simple. The trick of the matter lies in the realities of the situation. Whilst the first part of the treatment can be performed by any individual with magical aptitude (or even someone without, in the most dire situations), the second part is ironically, the more complicated one.

Soul Rot as a condition exists solely within the bounds of The Lunar Scar. If the healing ritual is successful, the individual afflicted still needs to remove the illness from their system. This normally involves heavy bouts of vomiting and digestive problems. The afflicted is normally in no state to walk by themselves, never mind shoot a gun or ride a horse. This lasts for approximately three days, but may be longer if the immune system of the afflicted is weaker. If the individual survives, it is crucial to make sure they eat well and receive all nutrients necessary for the body to heal properly. This often proves difficult as soldiers and mercenaries traversing the Scar barely have time to stop for a healthy piss, let alone remember to have their five a day. Atop of all this, because of the havoc the illness causes in one's mind, an individual afflicted once, is more likely to suffer again at a later point.


Sadly, the most common result of Soul Rot is turning. The window for beginning treatment is extremely narrow; a mere 24 hours after the first set of symptoms start showing. If the healing ritual is not performed within this window of time, the individual afflicted is lost to the sickness. The preferable prognosis after that point is death, which can happen to some of the weaker individuals. All others turn into Soul Rotten.


The most common forms of protection from Soul Rot include religious talismans blessed by clergy to increase ones mental fortitude, and alchemical concoctions aimed at soothing the mind before battle. If faced with direct threat from profane magic, arcane shields such as mage armour also provide limited protection. Some less conventional protective measures include cannabis, alcohol and opiates in cases of more troubled individuals.

Cultural Reception

The general population of Varen have varied knowledge on the topic of Soul Rot. As such, people who have returned having experienced Soul Rot are treated with a mixture of fear and pity. Whilst they may not have folks throwing waste at them or individuals calling for exorcisms, the utensils they use to eat are steam washed in boiling water, seats which they have sat on cleaned over and over and holy water splashed in there for good measure. It is seen as a tragedy; and one to be avoided at all costs.

Further Reading

Soul Rotten
Species | Jul 19, 2019

The unfortunate souls of the Lunar Scar

The Lunar Scar
Geographic Location | Jul 19, 2019

The permanent proof of one nation's pride.


Author's Notes

“Write about a mental illness in your world and how people respond to this.
— SummerCamp Challenge 2019

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Jul 20, 2019 06:49 by WDMichael

I enjoyed having all the races that are affected by this particular disease being right on the top with links to them for new knowledge. The details on the Early, Middle, and Late stages let me picture what happened to the people, and it seems pretty gruesome! Good article! I enjoyed the concept of the soul rot and the aspect of it during wartime. The reality that this particular disease can be fixed, but may not due to the environment that these people are in.

Jul 20, 2019 09:11

That was a really interesting concept: a disease which is easy to heal, but it is more often than not fatal because the conditions for the healing are not present. I really liked the idea and how you presented the symptoms according to the disease progression.   The one thing I disliked was the initial quote. I do not know if it is done on purpose (aka: the person writing the journal making these mistakes) but there are several issues with the grammar in the quote which make it difficult to read. For example: "More Sylvar specimens are needed to look into this." If it was a stylistic choice, fair enough. I do think that if this disease is being investigated, as suggested by this quote, maybe have a box in the sidebar going into further detail about what has it been discovered so far? Or maybe about how the journal was found/who the author was etc.. This could put the journal into perspective.

Jul 20, 2019 10:41

The journal is written the way it is on purpose. It's supposed to read wrong. It's gonna make little sense but I promise there's a reason (I just need to finish the article that im working in to link into the quote.

Jul 20, 2019 10:45

I suppose all I can say for now is, for a little clarity; the person writing the journal was not entirely humanoid. And humanoid words are hard when you're a 4 dimensional being.

Jul 20, 2019 10:45

Looking forward to it!

Jul 20, 2019 09:42

Out of all the things I don't want my brain to be "Chunky Soup" is pretty high on the list.  

Soul Rot can be be contracted in one of two ways. The condition only exists in The Lunar Scar, and as such is contracted only in that area.
  I would consider swapping places on these two sentences, maybe with a little bit of a rewrite. The first sentence kind of makes the reader think what will follow is an explanation of those two ways.   The second sentence could use some polish - when you say it only exists there, do you mean it can only be contracted there? Or are its symptoms only suffered while you are in that region?  
The most common way for one to suffer Soul Rot is through long term (here, long term is defined as a period of longer than two weeks) exposure to the native energies of the land.
  A trim here could be good but perhaps not vital: it's a bit long at 25 words.  
The other way is a little more invasive.
  Personally, I would drop the "a little". It diminishes the impact of the sentence, makes it sound more like a pinprick or a mosquito bite. Being seared with magic doesn't sound a little invasive. ;D  
And of those beasts, plenty have the ability to cast magic.
  I'd be careful about starting a sentence with "And" like that: I'd consider taking t his and the last sentence and combining them with a bit of a rewrite. Turn it into one cohesive sentence that delivers the idea that the monsters in the scar have magic that is contagious.  
Whether one can resist this, is of course a matter of an individual's mental prowess.
  If it is obvious, you can likely skip the "of course" - if it has more variables (like, say, a magical fireball to the face also being infectious), maybe expand on it? :)   It looks like you might've some unwanted breaks in how your columns are structured - each header seems one break lower than the one before!  
the second part is ironically, the more complicated one.
  What makes it ironic?  
Sadly, the most common result of Soul Rot is turning.
  Is "turning" the term for being afflicted with Soul Rot? How long does it take after that 24 hour window before you start vomiting up your guts (literally) and growing claws?  
The most common forms of protection from Soul Rot include religious talismans blessed by clergy to increase ones mental fortitude
  Why is that? Are gods real in this setting? What if I'm an atheist? :thinking:  
It is seen as a tragedy; and one to be avoided at all costs.
  Strong ending line. All in all, it is an interesting idea that could benefit from some more details. I haven't read the Scar yet, but why does the Soul Rot happen there? Are there any myths or superstitions? Why is religious stuff so effective? And so on. :)   Great to see you back for Summer Camp, too! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 21, 2019 02:07

1. You ask for more explanation on Soul rot existing only in the scar but the answer is right in the quoted sentence: the sickness can only be contracted there. 2. Ironically, because normally one would expect the summoning and attempting to control eldritch energies should be harder than staying in bed and getting a balanced diet. 3.Turning refers to turning into a Soul Rotten. You can read about them in the link present in the article or by clicking on the block on the side. 4. Simple answer... gods are real... sort of. If you're an atheist, well there are listed other ways people protect themselves in the article.