The Vault Seekers of Naelea Organization in Vanigraad | World Anvil

The Vault Seekers of Naelea

"The Vault Seekers venture deep into the unknown to bring back the wondrous relics of the First Age, and the Old World before that. Crazy as fruit bats they are, but you'll find none more committed to Naelea's teachings. Save perhaps the High Priestess." ~ Sarena Tris, Historian of the Whispering Catacombs   The Vault Seekers, brave and reckless souls who plumb the forgotten corridors and ruins of Vanigraad's history in order to preserve the knowledge and powerful artifacts of a bygone age. Many tomes and magical items held for research and display within the Whispering Catacombs were retrieved at great risk by the Vault, some returned with the blood of Seekers' still staining their surfaces. The Vault Seeker order performs a great service for the Naelean church, and for the Goddess of Knowledge herself. Traveling where any cleric, where anyone with a semblance of sense, dare not tread. For fear of the traps and vicious creatures that call the deep places of the world home.   Formed shortly after the Whispering Catacombs were built, the Vault Seekers were reluctantly brought into the church's operational structure. Seen by some as an embodiment of Naelea's desire to seek and preserve knowledge in all its forms. The Vault Seekers and their founder, High Seeker Quinn, started as a small and segregated entity to the clergy itself. Often times sleeping in tents outside of the walls of Aeranas, the Seekers would submit recovered artifacts, scrolls, and tomes to the High Priest and scribes of the church for archival in the Whispering Catacombs. In return they were paid marginally for their efforts by the church before being tasked again by the Owl Oracle. An individual through whom the goddess is said to speak and offer cryptic hints to locations that Naelea was interested in.   As a result of the meager payments of the church, and the over tasking of the Seekers themselves. High Seeker Quinn came close to separating his Seekers from the church entirely, on the verge of forming a mercenary organization that offered their services to the highest bidders. It wasn't until the high priest's death, and the elevation of a new and younger high priestess that the Vault Seekers became more cemented within the clergy's structure. It wasn't until the elevation of high priestess Shivala twelve years prior to the Planar Confluence, that the Vault Seekers were permitted a permanent garrison within the Whispering Catacombs which they still maintain in the Second Age. The Vault Seekers now serve two functions within the church: reclamation of forgotten knowledge, and defense of the Whispering Catacombs. Both duties the Seekers carryout with a deadly efficacy and pride.   The Vault Seekers welcome all races so long as they are sworn in service to Naelea and are trained by Seeker Instructor Aliana Von Derlant or her subordinate, Darius Hardring. Aliana training the magically adept in the art of the Bladesong, while Darius trains the more martially inclined monks, rogues, and paladins. Both schools of training culminate in the Trial of the Owl; a final barrier of Seekerhood that involves the recovering of an "artifact" planted by the instructions in a dangerous location. The trainees are broken into teams of three, a Bladesinger and two martial students. Only one team can pass the Trial by recovering the artifact, the other teams are washed back through training until the following Trial. The team that successfully retrieves that item and returns it to the Catacombs are inducted into the Vault Seekers and blessed by one of the Goddess's clerics. They become an operational team that will work together until deemed otherwise by the High Breaker. The purpose of the Trial is to determine not only individual aptitude of the trainee, but also problem solving skills, cooperation, and communication within the assigned the team. As anything less than perfection could result in the death of a team member, or the entire team, on real world assignment.   The Vault Seekers wear Naelea's signature black, white, and gold garments. Either in the form of tabards over their armor, cloaks they receive upon induction into the order, or on vestments given to them by the clergy. All such garments are enchanted by the Bladesingers to allow the wearer to blend more easily into the shadows around them. Allowing them to sneak past threats, monsters, and other dangers they may encounter on their tasks from the goddess. They are allowed to bring any weapons they desire to suit their individual fighting style and skills, which enables a great amount of flexibility within Vault Breaker teams to handle any situation they might find themselves in. The teams are also encouraged to compete with each other in recovering artifacts or information. So much so that the Owl Oracle will give the same location to multiple teams.   The coming of the Second Age has seen a sharp decline in the number of trainees that Vault Seekers bring in. Mostly due to the more dangerous state of Vangraad, but also because the disappearance of the Elves and a hesitation to delve deeper into the ghost cities they left behind. Now, the Owl Oracle has more locations than the Seekers have teams and the High Breaker is forced to high mercenary groups to deal with the overflow, which has been taxing on the church's coffers. but the Vault Seekers significance within the church structure still retains its importance. However, since the disappearance of high priestess Shivala and the appointment of her stand in, priest Foldrin, there has been a strong desire to dissolve the Seekers . As Foldrin sees them as a threat to his standing in the Church.

Bring into the light that which has faded from memory.

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Seekers

Friendly with the Vault Seekers

The Black Sentinels will occasionally accompany a team of Vault Seekers should they require escort through areas where undead presence is either heavy or unknown. This is done to provide support to the Seeker teams and ensure all parties return safely.

Cover image: A Show of Confidence by Paul Scott


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