The Blazing Scourge Geographic Location in Vandariel | World Anvil
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The Blazing Scourge

The stars in Vandariels sky are so numerous that traditional constellations are nigh impossible to make out. The night sky is a shining spectacle of tiny lights of many hues, an everyday beauty that is marred by only one flaw - the bright green light of the Blazing Scourge.   In the northeastern skies can be seen a great green glow, a star twice the size of any other, commonly referred to as Genos, or the Blazing Scourge. A prophecy put forth by an ancient Oracle of Zol purports that the Scourge is no true star, but more a roaming comet or planetoid that is heading inexorably towards Vandariel, doomed to destroy all who dwell there in a blaze of hellfire. She was stubbornly silent on when this disaster was due to pass, but five hundred years have gone by with little to no change in the stars appearance, so while the general populace still regards the star as a bringer of bad luck, few remember why it is so.   It is often considered an old wives tale that speaking of the star is bad luck, and invoking its name a curse upon a person ("Scourge take you!" being a common epithet among older folks when angered). Younger peoples, mostly humans and their halfbreed cousins, see this as mystic mumbo-jumbo similar to believing that Purtles were once two separate species of animal that were fused together.   The elves, being inherently distrustful of the followers of gods other than Andariel, know the star for what it is - the still-burning remnants of a planet destroyed by a great magical power, drifting aimlessly in the great void. They know that many of the Oracles who have taken the seat at Zol were unworthy of the name, political schemers who would tell any lie to make their followers believe that they speak the words of Zol when He is a god that rarely speaks.
Alternative Name(s)
Aphriel, Genos

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