Wars of Lower Huraedon Military Conflict in Val'Vahan | World Anvil

Wars of Lower Huraedon


Lower Huraedon is wracked with strife. The riches of this ancient country have caused extreme splitting amongst its princes, and they all desperately vie for territory and riches. Sometimes the Emperor himself would have to intervene and halt large conflicts spiraling out of control, but more often the Grand Vicar, supposed Lord of Lower Huraedon, is the one to mediate between the princes. His work will never finish. There is an ebb and flow to the conflict such that it is impossible for one prince to ever gain a permanent foothold over the other.

To the east lay the remnants of the kingdoms of the Itie'lman Elves. They do not partake in the conflicts. Their kingdoms are ones hidden away in valleys or glades. Their castles are white and their towers tall. Their lords and ladies are wise and fair. But their numbers ever diminish as the glory of the ancient Western Elves slowly fade to make place for a less legendary time. Soon all the Elven spirits will reside in the halls of Morrôs, waiting for the Last Battle when they shall descend in strength once again and battle for the fate of the world.

As for the intrepid adventurer, one will find the battlefields of Lower Huraedon, the ones of steel or the ones of words, provide ample opportunity to carve his own place in the world - perhaps as a prince himself.

Conflict Type

Cover image: by Piotr Arendzikowski


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