Valan Crystal Sphere Geographic Location in Valus | World Anvil

Valan Crystal Sphere

While Valus is only a small part of the Valan Crystal Sphere, or Vala, it's the most populated and easily the most developed planet, so the name was was adopted to whole realm. Vala is distant from most other spheres and the journey is treacherous, so we receive few travelers and send few of our own (there's enough adventure here to last anyone). As a consequence of all of this, few outsiders know the nature of Vala and potential effects. Here's what you should know before entering Valan Space.  

Fundamental Properties


Vala has a fundamentally lower than average Reality value. In a nutshell, this means that facts and information aren't quite as fixed, and are prone to being changed, for instance, by the will of a being with power. This is why magic is generally more common in Valus, and occasionally more powerful. It's not that magic is literally more powerful here, but that this world is more pliable. Deities, as a rule, hold more power and influence, although when they already have great power, an addition to it rarely makes a practical difference.   All the same, it's important to note magic will act differently. It may be easier to use, or come more naturally to a student, however, it may also act unpredictably and dangerously if you are not careful. Casters not used to the feel of the Valan Weave should take some time to practice their spells before attempting any large castings. Several foolhardy wizards have lost their lives casting magic they thought they could control.   Despite this, the difference in reality is relatively small on an absolute scale. Every day life still follows rules, basic facts and knowledge don't generally change and the ground can almost always be relied on to be solid beneath our feet. Even still, the fantastical is more commonplace, and the impossible a little less unlikely.    


Vala, as you might have guessed, trends toward chaos relative to other realms. Forces of Chaos and associated magics will be stronger here, and it's people trend toward chaos over law relative to the rest of the universe. Like with reality, the difference here is not great; Societies and their laws still hold together and maintain themselves. However, the difference in attitude and perspectives is very noticeable, if the word of local outsiders is anything to go by. This functionally gives Valan space it's own scale from Law to Chaos, shifted to the right from the conventional.   Good and Evil alignments are a different case. While they aren't shifted one way or the other on average, they are separated between regions. Most of the space in between our sun, moons, and planets has higher levels of negative, necrotic energy and a natural evil alignment, where as celestial bodies trend good, especially Valus, with higher concentration of positive regenerative energies. While this isn't enough to send undead falling down from space, it does mean wounds heal more slowly in space, good aligned magic will be weaker, etc. and vice versa for planets.   This isn't just my pride in Valus. The general rule is complexity creates positive energy, where simplicity allows negative energy to creep in. Thus, increasing orders of complexity like celestial bodies, landmasses, eventually life, complex life, and finally sentient souls all create increasing levels of positive energy, and thus a good alignment. Many Valan scholars have theorized that this phenomena does apply to other realms, but only slightly due to their higher reality levels.   A common misconception from this model states that chaos and it’s complexity generates good, and law and it’s supposed minimalism creates evil. However, this is a misunderstanding of law and chaos. Complexity can be created with hard rules or through unrestrained creativity, most often both in harmony. A mechanical life-form is no less complex than a shape shifting fey spirit. Instead, this kind of complexity simply means existence, and the amount of life built on top of it.   Absolute good often appears as law and chaos woven together in perfect harmony and union, proud in it’s dual nature. Absolute evil often appears as something so against the concept of being, that it utterly rejects properties like “lawful” and “chaotic”. Many would disagree, but this is what I believe defines good and evil.  

Celestial Bodies


The flagship world of Vala, Valus, is a world that houses hundreds of millions of people. It has many great cities, but arguably the greatest is Aurot. This will likely be where any travelers arrive, as it has the largest and most easily accessible space port, so it’s very possible you’re reading this in Aurot. This great city is one of the largest and the most economically successful on the planet, and is home to the Aurot University of which I am a part of. This city is located in the Ichrayan Federation, in the country of Fortith. This land is relatively safe, especially around the larger settlements, and monsters attacks are rare. However, there are a few political factions causing trouble on the road, so don’t travel alone.   Insert more areas here   Valus has two moons, Aluva and . Aluva cannot be landed on due to local magical qualities, and travelers are greatly discouraged from trying.  

insert more planets

Alternative Name(s)
Planar Sphere/Grouping

Cover image: Hexenbäume von Rumohr by Fjordship


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