Halfling Species in Valus | World Anvil


They’re plenty respectable, in their own way. There’s nothing shameful in a quiet, peaceful life among family and good food. Break that peace though, especially violently or hatefully, and...
They might just surprise you. I’d watch my back if I were you. A soft belly doesn’t prove a soft heart.
-Fellow professor Fealindel Rivian of the Aurot University.

Also known as Hobbits, Halflings are technically a subspecies of human (as the two races can interbreed), but are so physically different they’re classified as their own full species.


Their origins trace back to a tribe of humans, who traveled to and survived on Danubada Island for countless generations. Over time, the fertile volcanic land was washed away, and food became scarce. This is one possibly reason for the Halfling's short stature, along with the small size of many other creatures on the island, an effect known as Insular dwarfism. Another theory states that as the land eroded away and the island itself shrunk, the local weave subtlety effected the local flora and fauna to shrink with it, known as local weave mutation. According to current research, it’s likely a combination of both effects, and would have taken around 1700 years, meaning the island was likely first settled around 62 MU.

They were discovered by local seafarers when Danubada Island suddenly appeared in the middle of the ocean. From planar studies and the oral tradition of the halflings, it is currently theorized their island was exiled to a demiplane for a period of time that ended sometime just before 1638 PQ, when the island was first discovered. Neither the year nor the reason for this exile are known.

Halflings have their own language that split from old common, called Danubadan. There are two dialects of it between the island's tribes, but they're similar enough to be more like strong regional accents. Most Halflings are able to understand each other with minimal trouble.

The original human tribe was split into two upon settling the island, as there were major natural formations between the two most fertile areas, such as boulders, mountain passes, cliffs, and even the occasional lava flow. Passage was indeed possible, but likely difficult and rarely attempted. According to their records, the tribes carved an easier path between them, using many bridges and a few tunnels. However, they had already developed major differences by then, and as such can be differentiated into two main races. Remember that, as with all races in a species, any individual will have their own traits that may enhance, nullify, and even contradict the general traits of a species. Treat each person according to their own strengths and weaknesses.



Sealens are curious, tall (compared to Soudans), agile, and stealthy . While Halflings in general aren’t a fan of adventure and travel, the Sealens affable nature and wanderlust make them most likely to go questing as a vagabond. Because of this, while the Soudan Halflings are rare to see beyond the lands nearest to Danubada Island, Sealens have settled all across the world in only a few centuries. Sealens average around 3'9" in height, and

They are part of the reason why most Halflings aren't as food-obsessed as many stereotypes would claim. Sealens, while they do give much importance to food in their culture, they don't hold a candle to most Soudans. In fact, you'll notice they're, on average, much slimmer than the average Soudan Halfling. Sealens do still prefer around four meals a day, and love to find new types of food while exploring.

What truly sets them apart, however, is their legendary skill in stealth. Again, this is not true of every Sealen, but most have an innate talent for hiding and going unnoticed. Their side of the island was larger, but also more dangerous with predators and even occasional monstrosities. They likely gained a physiological and psyonic advantage over time as they evolved to forage while going undetected. Sealen psyonics are disproportionately skilled in deception and illusion techniques, causing many countries to subsidize Sealen immigration in hopes of bolstering espionage resources.


Soudens are smaller and more passive than their cousins. They are much less common than the Sealens, especially in countries further from Danubada Island, like Ahmia and Fortith. They have even less stature than their cousins, averaging around 3' 1". They are also naturally less athletic and tend towards inactivity, so especially when given access to an external abundance of food, many become rather portly. Luckily, by some quirk of their physiology, the detrimental symptoms of obesity are greatly reduced. It is thought most of these traits come from their relative lack of rich soil and land in general. They adapted by developing a culture of relaxation and peace, which continues today. Their adaptation to obesity is thought to allow them to take advantage of times of bounty, so that they could survive famines.

While they may not be as active as Sealans, they are shockingly resilient when facing hardship, and are known for being extremely protective of their families and communities. They have a great talent for artisanal trades, especially cooking, as such crafts play to their sedentary way of life, and cooking highlights their intense relationship with food. They also have a peculiar resistance to poisons, probably so they could eat food from more sources.

Speaking of which, Soudens are, not unfairly, infamous for their love of food. This is one of the few times a stereotype is undeniably true, Soudens really do like food as much as they say. This stereotype is often unfairly extended to Sealens, however, so it's still good not to internalize it too much. While it depends on the family, most have around seven regular meals a day. Of course, the portions are smaller to accommodate their size, but it is still a great amount of food for any species. Their skill and passion for cooking is unmatched, and many of the newest and best dishes in the world have been created by Souden artisans.

They are also known for their artistic and intellectual skill. Though they are few, many among their population have become scientists, engineers, philosophers, mathematicians, sculptors, painters, composers, and writers. The peaceful life of such fits perfectly with Souden tradition, so the boredom other species face is no problem for Souden Halflings.

Halflings, while relative newcomers to the world, are already an important part of it. Never underestimate them, because each one has potential higher than the stature of any human. And of course, that potential might not always be on your side. Maybe it could be hiding right behind you at this very moment.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Lightfoot, stout

Cover image: Hexenbäume von Rumohr by Fjordship


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