Otari Geographic Location in Valmet | World Anvil
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Sandy dunes with cacti that litter the lands, that are heated by the sun during the day, though gets cold during the night. Sandstorms are rather frequent, day or night.


Home to the Yuan-ti Pureblood, with tons of tall trees that tower over bodies of water. The atmosphere is humid and the temperature is hot, which would cause fires, though there is also rain, causing flash floods.


Tallgrass with rolling hills, with some anthills, that are homes to the Thri-kreen. The plains are dry and windy, making more tornados and lighting.


Mostly made of unclean water, with trees that have vines that hang down, along with deep mud. There are lots of floods, though not as bad as the jungles.

Silk Wilds

A horrific landscape practically formed out of spider's silk. Giant insects stalk their prey, hiding behind silk spiders and massive boulder-like cocoons.

Fauna & Flora



Brushes and Flowers

Fire Weed: Brown crispy petals with a pink center that wilts towards the ground. These flowers are found on high rocky surfaces within the desert. When a person steps on this flower it will combust into flames, which makes a good starter for a campfire.
Pocket Plant: A green and lumpy, egg-shaped melon that lives symbiotically with insect colonies. It gives protection from the harsh sun and the insects bring food and water back to the plant. It's also been known to support birds and small reptiles. When it rains, it pops out of the ground after long periods of stasis. They are most commonly found in shade or underbrush. Occasionally the Pocket Melon grows by desert shorelines and gets swept out to sea with a colony of insects inside. The Melon will drift until it roots itself in a new land, possibly spreading insects to new continents.


  Wits End Tree: A wide canopy tree that prefers to be in a wide space of uninterrupted sand. the tree uses its roots to form a pit-fall trap underneath its expansive canopy. It can shield animals from the harsh sun but disturbing the tree's thin layer of roots covering the trap will activate the pit-fall. At the bottom of the pit are rows of pointed roots that act as spikes.
Mercy Fruit: An invasive tree that finds and latches onto any fruit-bearing plant and mimics its host's fruits. This mimic is incredibly poisonous. It's noted that this fruit smells sweeter and more enticing than its hosts, it even tastes better. The fruit's poisons also function as a powerful painkiller, allowing for an easy and peaceful death.


Bushes and Flowers

Bumble-Bush: A special, roaming bush, that senses and creeps to rotting flesh. It plants itself in a circle around its new source of nutrients and stays until nothing is left. These bushes normally gather in colonies in open areas of the jungle.


Weeping match stick: A tree that appears to be wilting, causing its long branches to hang low. It's warm to the touch and looks slightly burned in specific areas, like cracks in the bark. When a branch is broken off, the sap that oozes out of it can be ignited by scraping the end of the branch against the bark of the tree.
Fairy Gates: Fairy gates are recognized by their strange circular growth pattern. These trees grow in a horse-shoe shape where the top penetrates back into the ground to create another root structure. The hoop created by the tree is large enough to walk through, leading to the belief that these trees are used as gates to the fey-wilds. The bark of these trees is rough but the wood inside is malleable and fantastic for bow making. The branches for the tree are small but numerous, enough to make a small roof over the gate out of waxy leaves.


Flesh Eater: A four-foot-tall toadstool mushroom, with a red cap and a brown underside. Whenever there is movement underneath it, the mushroom will shoot out spores that will grow out more of the fungus that will take about three days before it becomes vital as the fungus grows inside of the victim.


    Lendlies Bedsheet: Laying down on this moss, this moss will uproot and wrap around you harmlessly. It only reacts to heat sources. A good way to identify this type of plant is to reveal an open flame in front of it, the moss will open a special type of eye that will track the fire. Hangman's Vine: A predatory vine plant that grows on trees. A thick, tough, vine with a hoop-shaped ending that droops to the ground floor, waiting to be disturbed. It gets its nutrients by trapping animals and hydraulically hoisting them into the air where other animals eat the body of the victim. The fecal matter created by the benefitting creatures feeds the vine.  


    Singing Grass: The grass that mimics sound, though over time the sound will fade so it will default to the last song of a person that had died near it. The grass is three feet tall that is light blue with prongs at the end that causes vibration.


Bushes and Flowers

Lifeline: Grows to be about three feet tall, has dark green leaves with the underneath being yellow, that does not grow anything. This bush moves around when there is a flood that the bush floats on top of.
Sweetmor: A rare hibiscus that is a dark blue, with an orange stem that gives off the smell that the person likes the most. The only thing that it does the stop runny noses.


Emry's Bath: The tree is seven feet tall with a three feet deep canopy that holds water and mucus that it gets when it rains and floods. The tree uses this water for nutrition because the roots do not get water from the ground. There are no leaves, only the large mucus sac that contains the water.


Nature's Balance: What the fungi look like is unknown, but it takes control of a dead person. One way you can tell is if they have what black foam is coming out of their mouth and tries to spread to either dead or alive by either open wound or consumption of flesh. The natives call the infected lifeless since it creates a zombie.  

Silk Wilds

Bushes and Flowers

Toe Toppers: A bush that has light pink leaves, with red large berries that has a spike that when stepped on will cause a tingling feeling. If it is not treated it will cause paralysis all throughout the body. Though the berry is editable if prepared right, though if it is not will cause temporary paralysis.
  Lemlax Surprise: A special type of silk-strand-like plant that is drawn to heat sources. The plant is unaffected by fire and blends into spider silk. The special strands that comprise the plant are able to quickly grow into and around the machinery of any size overnight, locking adventuring equipment to the ground or snuffing out fires by morning.  


Lost In Thought: A wonderful smelling tree that has blue and orange leaves which can be harvested for a special tea.
  Silk Trees: Trees native only to the silk wild which all contain and spawn a colony of pseudo-silkworms. Though they resemble worms, these organisms are a special form of the monstrous plant. The "Nettle", as the worms are called locally, are telepathic and function as a hivemind that lures people or animals with illusions, trapping them in a web of silk and delusion. If not rescued, in time, the victims will be slowly processed by the tree and its colony.  


  Simons Brew: A rare cactus that only grows in the deep wilderness of the silk wilds. These plants contain potent hallucinogenic nectar that's prized by alchemists and ruthlessly hunted by criminals for its value.  


Kimmy's Web: A delicate and beautiful flower that never wilts even when plucked. The flower is easily recognized by its petals which heavily resemble a spider's web.  



Dh'ent: A relatively normal-looking white-tailed deer most commonly found within silk wilds. As its life cycle advances, it grows plants all over its body of the same kind it consumes. These deer are not able to process plants completely and a portion of what they eat is converted to a type of living "mulch," similar to fat. This mulch will provide plants the deer eats a place to live on the deer. Over time the deer will die of "old age" and become a deer-shaped colony of plants comprised of what is consumed. Deer herds of this species will eat the grass that was once living members, completing a strange life cycle. Interestingly, the deer has immunity to poisonous plants and other dangerous flora due to how it processes its food. "Gardens" left behind by these deer can often be incredibly dangerous to other animals or even people, creating a symbiotic relationship that protects the deer.
Umarus: If purified by fire or other conventional methods the liquid turns into a painful toxin that is non-lethal and causes diarrhea for a week The Umarus is a larger cousin of the pill bug ranging to the size of a dinner plate these herbivores are solitary creatures for most their lives only coming together too late with massive mountains of eggs that take 7 years to hatch.


Plinker Tarantula: A special type of spider native to Otari. The species is a common but dangerous arachnid that infests armories, forges, and mines. The one noise a metal worker never wants to hear is the rhythmic "plink" noise this creature makes as it bites metal. Imagine mandibles so sharp and stiff it sheers off bits of plate metal as a snack.


  Silk Rider: The most iconic animal within Otari. A slim and boney dragon symbiotically hosts a colony of spiders within various holes throughout its body. When the dragon breaths its breath attack, a flurry of parachute spiders rain down like hail and snow. Anything caught in its plume of arachnids is sure to be immediately poisoned and entombed in thick, silk, webbing. Naturally, the dragon is immune to poison and its bite is venomous. Uniquely among dragons, it's incapable of flight, only able to make short glides.
The abandoned: The creature is a parasitic beast that hides in the shadows of another creature, slowly eating away at the creature's mental state until the creature dies. The creature then takes the form of its previous host until it finds a new host. This creature is mostly found in the plains, though could be found in other areas.
Carvus: During the day the Carvus burrow into the sandy dunes and wait for prey to stumble across them. However, when the heat wears off after the day they come out of their burrows seeking prey. Devil Mab: Devil Mabs, the natural protectors and prison wardens of Otari. The massive creatures are as tall as buildings with the largest recorded being 40ft tall. These creatures resemble gigantic hermit crabs inhabiting monolithic conch shells. From the long horn of these shells, these special crustaceans can launch a gargantuan harpoon that is able to severely wound dragons and damage airships. Due to their inherent danger, airships must avoid these creatures at all cost or risk being shot down. Large creatures are their favored prey, with themselves falling victim to even larger creatures within the deep sea.   "Flying Carpet" Aka Ribbon Shark: A long flying creature resembling a ribbon flitting through the sky. The beast is transparent with its insides clearly visible, including its last meal. The glass like nature of its body would make it hard to see were it not for the red blood vessels that seemingly glow in sunlight. However, at night, these are invisible flying terrors for any airborne vessel. Their teeth can chew threw ship hulls with frighting speed if not snatch sailors off the top deck.

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