Blue Orchid Species in Valley of Man | World Anvil
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Blue Orchid

by hughpierre

Basic Information


A three headed flower with petals of shades of blue and purple. The orchid's petals are considered a mild poison in the wild. Brief contact is known to spread an itchy rash at the point of contact.

Growth Rate & Stages

An orchid's seed has never been seen by the human eye. The plant simply emerges from the ground with its petals partially formed and pointing downward. At the sapling's 5th year, a bugle starts forming in the style and slowly grows bigger in the next 5 years. Inside, is the singular crystal that many have killed over.

Ecology and Habitats

Although the optimal conditions for its growth may by unknown, there are circumstantial thoughts that it might favour the cold as flower salts as found more often near the Sinks in the Cold Swamp.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Blue Orchid is a rare type of orchid whose roots serve as the main ingredient for popular insecticides and in treating infections. Its glowing petals, when mashed into a paste and dissolved, act as a poison that as yet has no cure. It is particularly insidious because even if one survives the initial dose, it will still very slowly kill the victim by inflicting rare symptoms most doctors had never encountered; seemingly triggered by common substances.   Its ability to grow nowhere and everywhere, makes some think that it's some sort of vibrant weed. But dissections of samples have proven this notion false. And besides, for either flower or weed, the most curious thing about this plant is the single pinky toenail sized crystal that grows inside the flower's style. It is this plant that is the source of the extremely rare flower salt.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

One reason why it remains so rare is because of the apparent random nature by which it sprouts from the ground. No one has been able to determine what the flower needs to grow. They have been found in snowy conditions atop the Bad Steps, the salty marshes, the rain drenched ranges and the conventionally ideal places of Dragonsgrave.

10 years
Conservation Status
Because it is such a mystery on just what this desirable flower needs to survive, many specimens are collected and tended to in Sangsalgu Proper's Botanical Garden.   It is against the law of the Alignment to find a Blue Orchid growing in the wild and not report it.
Average Height
1/16 rod
Related Materials

Cover image: Purple Fantasy Flower


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