Anmar Isthmus Geographic Location in Vallareth | World Anvil
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Anmar Isthmus

The Anmar Isthmus forms a land bridge between the continents Azera and Anmar. Early humans likely first migrated to Anmar via the isthmus, but for all of written history it's been dangerous for travellers thanks largely to the presence of territorial ssar in general, and the armies of Rhatis Zox specifically.   The legends and rumors surrounding the isthmus only elevate its dangerous reputation. Many people believe the region is haunted, and some even say that Rhatis Zox can see and hear through the jagged menhirs which litter its terrain, but there is no evidence to support this.


The Anmar Isthmus is primarily a saltwater swamp dotted with craggy hills from which its local menhirs are carved. It is situated between the Rubatine Ocean to the west and the Coral Sea to the east.

Localized Phenomena

Travellers through the isthmus often claim that the menhirs emit an eerie glow at night, and that mysterious lights appear drifting on the horizon to lure away the unwary.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the life in the isthmus died out or migrated away after the First Starfall. Now, it is mainly inhabited by small saltwater fish that thrive in its shallow pools and the seabirds that prey on them and make their nests in the hills.

Natural Resources

The primary resource to be found in the Anmar Isthmus is the quality stone with which both Necropolis Zox and the local menhirs were built. Unfortunately, the soggy terrain and remote locations makes gathering stone here prohibitively difficult.


The Anmar Isthmus was once far less inhospitable to humans, but the establishment of Necropolis Zox marked the end of casual travel through the region. The First Starfall brought about the end of much of the native life of the isthmus, as it partially sunk and was flooded with saltwater.

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