Species of Uto Daeg in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Species of Uto Daeg

This article will show you all the species that are currently in the world of Uto Daeg. This list is not exhaustive.



The bird species collectively called avians hail from their island of Samba Ka between the continents Enor Daeg and Belor Daeg. There are eagle-like avians called "aarakocra", raven- or crow-like avians called "tenku", and owl-like avians called "umoolan". Their society is hierarchical with the ruling umoolans doubling as the clergy. Avians who commit atrocities are exiled which includes removal of flight capabilities.


Dragonborn are close-knit into their communities. They pride themselves in being sorcerers or possessing other magical talent. Their revelation is about destined families, and indeed family is the most important social tie to dragonborn. They worship Bahamur and Tiamat.


Dwarvesare tied with elves for the first to receive their Revelation. These new Raptured dwarves set out to establish themselves. They created the capital cities of Mil Bazon and Aevûnd. They are devout to Moradin, but are pantheists. Deep reverence of their ancestors is expected as well. They are clannish but are not forced to a specific purpose, as long as it doesn't dishonor their family.


Elves are recognized as the first to receive their Revelation, and the elves do not let any others forget it. The elves stole themselves to the forests and wooded areas, following their purpose. Elves tend to be snobbish to outsiders but quick to initiate outsiders that show interest. They are polytheistic and worship their Trinity of Leaves, especially Corellon.


Giants inhabit many remote places, away from most civilization. They were never Adrift. They have a ranking system, called the ordning, of their species to which they innately adhere. Their purpose is to regain the favor of All-Father Annam so that he may come down to them. Each sub-species was birthed from an Archetype that they worship as their deity.


Gnomes tinker. They spend their free time uncovering the secrets left by their ancestors called codices. Moody but brilliant, gnomes never left touch with their fey ancestry. Gnomes aren't religiously inclined, preferring the natural to the supernatural. They prefer hollows, hills, trees, and caves to big cities, though some may live there.


Half-elves are not sterile. While they were born between a elf-human encounter, they can reproduce on their own. They congregate in Lochish and are best known as merchants. They are divided into adventurous Lochney and reserved Gleymorian with distinct cultures. Lochney is flat plains while Gleymor is mountains with lochs.


The offspring of an orc and human, usually violently, half-orcs are less populous than most other mortals. Half-orcs are accepted in human society, not seen as anything feared. A tenuous link to Gruumsh lies latent inside. Most recognize and ignore it, but others go on the Dark Tread to rid themselves of Gruumsh's influence.


Humans are the most prolific and widespread species. Whereas elves tend to forests dwarves underground, humans have no environmental inhibitions. They are truly net neutral, being almost entirely influenced by their environment, genetics, and upbringing. Pelor is their chief deity, but no human is monotheist. They are fine traders, crafters, and soldiers, following their purpose to not just inhabit the world, but coexist in the world.


Orcs are creatures succumbed to the toxic allure and power of Gruumsh. Orcs are born with a spike of Gruumsh's influence. Orcs can undergo the harrowing Dark Tread to rid themselves of Gruumsh, though the toll can be fatal. They are operate in clannish strongholds. When orcs hold an orc-meeting there is little to do to stop them.


The tieflings origin in the world is debated. Regardless, they came to the P.P.M. after the Great Revelation. They typically have a devious side that comes out as well-intended mischievous playfulness. They have a distinction between their colors that have certain traits linked to them. Tieflings find themselves most welcomed in human places and enjoy normal lives, though some do take up adventuring.

Questions and Information

Species Lifespan

Lifespan of the species. Maximum lifespans are based on verified recordings.

SpeciesMaturity (years)Average (years)Max. (years)
Giantsvariesvaries1100 (Storm)

A singular event defines mortals

The most impactful moment in mortal history is The Great Revelation in which mortals received this spirit of purpose again. These awakened or revived species are called Raptured. Some occurred before others and some never received it as they were not on the P.P.M. yet.  

What makes up the average species?

Besides physical traits, the typical species is formed by three distinct characteristics: personal traits, cultural influence, and deific influence.   Personal Traits. Personal traits are usually unalienable desires, inhibitions, and lenses through which these individuals interact with each other.   Cultural Influence. The many species have developed only a few cultures over the millennia — with the exception of humans, who have very many. These cultures influence the upbringing of an individual.   Deific Influence. Last is the most subtle and powerful, that of deific influence. Some deities have "selected" a species to occupy their primary attention. Elves have Corellon and Sehanine (Melora has not selected a species), dwarves have Moradin, humans have Pelor, orcs have Gruumsh, and so on. These gods can have influence over the minds of their worshipers, though the Good deities do not condone much influence while the Evil deities use as much as possible.


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